Do you have pain in your jaw or the side of your face? Do you have difficulty in opening your mouth or eating? You could be suffering from TMJ disorder or temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome.
This is the most common temporomandibular disorder and presents with symptoms of pain, restricted jaw movements and a clicking noise in the jaw. Other symptoms include: headaches, neck pain, ear pain and trismus (commonly called lockjaw).
The reasons for this disorder are not clear and are difficult to determine. These could be trauma to the jaw, damage to a disc in the joint, genetic conditions, arthritis, poor occlusion, missing back teeth, clenching or bruxism (grinding of teeth) but these do not necessarily cause TMJ disorder.
Sometimes the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorder is short-term and can be relieved with self-managed care. This can include physiotherapy, muscle relaxants, heat application or the use of a non-surgical treatment such as an occlusal splint. Surgery is typically a last resort after conservative measures have failed. Rather than reaching this stage it is best to take measures to take care of the jaw joints.
Come see us for an appointment today to have your teeth and jaw joints checked.
Blog by: Dr Beverly San Pablo
Most people clench and/or grind their teeth unconsciously during the day or in their sleep which is medically known Bruxism.