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How to Cope with the Fear of the Dentist

Oral health is one of the most important elements of the overall health conditions. However, perhaps just as prevalent is the fear of the dentist. This common fear or the associated anxiety can stem from a number of correlated overwhelming emotions that can be directly linked to worries over your oral health as well as…

Leukoplakia: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

What Is Leukoplakia? The oral conditional anomaly in which thick, white, or greyish patches form usually inside your mouth is called Leukoplakia. Smoking is usually the most commonly known cause behind the occurrence of this condition. However, there are other irritants that also might be held responsible for this condition in some cases. Comparatively…

Tooth Extraction: What You Need to Know

If you happen to need a tooth extraction any time soon, it is understood that you will be a little overwhelmed and the whole process might wreck your nerves. But extraction is a decently standard and a common practice in the domain of dentistry. This article will try to throw some light on this common…

10 Signs You Have the Best Dentist

Getting into a dental school is not necessarily that hard, however, only the choicest ones have what it takes to be a great dentist. It takes a little more than having great knowledge or expertise on treatments such as removing stubborn wisdom teeth in Blacktown or having amazing manual dexterity. There are a few other…

Are Invisalign Clear Aligners Worth It? Your Guide in 2023

What is Invisalign? Invisalign is a unique dental alignment system that is designed to use personalized trays to slowly reallocate the teeth to their appropriate locations. It can be used to treat the very specific dental issues that are coming in the way of your confident and radiant smile. These complications are: Mild to moderate…

What Is a Crossbite and How Is It Corrected?

A crossbite is a dental anomaly that impacts the way your teeth are aligned. The primary sign of having a crossbite is those upper teeth fit behind your lower teeth when your mouth is closed or at rest. This can affect teeth in the front of your mouth or toward the back of your mouth.…

Malocclusion of the Teeth

Misalignment of the teeth is usually referred to as Malocclusion. This can also lead to oral health problems and other complications if left unattended for a long time. It is also popular by other names and synonyms. They are: Crowded TeethCrossbiteOverbiteUnderbiteOpen Bite Misalignment might hinder the natural and vital functions of your teeth, like chewing.…

Tooth Enamel Erosion: What You Should Know

The enamel or the outer layer of your teeth, is a layer that protects the inner layers of the teeth against any physical or chemical alteration. The enamel of a tooth is usually calcified and is very tough.  Truth be told, it is one of the hardest tissues present in the human body- even stronger…

Apicoectomy: What to Know Before and After

An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure that is pretty straightforward, that can be done both on adults and children as a process to save any teeth that might be susceptible to dental decay or other serious complications. It is commonly called root-end surgery. As the name suggests, it involves the removal of a tooth’s root…

What Is Dry Socket?

When a tooth is extracted or removed from the gums and the bones, the blood clots form a protective shield to keep your gums safe as it heals. Should the blood not clot properly or becomes dislodged from your gums during the healing process, it tends to create a dry socket. A dry socket is…

The Effects of Sugar on Your Child’s Teeth

If you happen to be one of those who love sugary food items more than anything else, food items like cookies, pies, and ice cream form an important part of your food habit- then this article is for you! Did you know that there is sugar hidden in unsuspected food items like ketchup, fruit-flavored yogurt,…

An Overview of Fluorosis

Fluorosis is a condition that leads to the formation of white or brown stains on your teeth. Overexposure to fluoride in the initial years of life when your permanent teeth are developing- is one of the primary reasons behind it. Fluorosis is a cosmetic concern - definitely not a medical concern and will not have…

Is Chewing Gum Good for Your Teeth?

Chewing gums have them there for centuries now, but not all chewing gums have been created equally- “equally”, in every connotation of the term. They are usually sold with candies and lozenges on the shelves, with sugary chewing gums, but not all chewing gums are harmful to the teeth. Some of the chewing gums have…

Braces Care Instructions

Dental braces tend to trap a lot of food particles against the gums and teeth. That is exactly why you should carefully understand and follow the braces care instructions from your orthodontists. You are required to follow these rules and regulations to maintain a healthy smile during the span of the treatment. Through this article,…

Canker Sores and How to Deal with Them

What Are Canker Sores? An aphthous ulcer or a canker sore is usually a painful and open mouth ulcer or sore. It is the most common type of mouth lesion. Certain people often happen to notice them on the inside of their cheeks or lips. They are usually surrounded by red, inflamed soft tissue –…

Does Osteoporosis Affect Your Teeth?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to the loss of bone density and mass. It can also cause the bones to weaken, which skyrockets the risk of fractures in turn. Like multiple people struggling with osteoporosis, you might want to know if it affects your teeth as people say. The simple answer to that…

How to Care for Your Dentures

Complete or partial dentures or removable teeth can be used as a replacement for the lost teeth, fixing the appearance of your face. These artificial teeth are made to resemble the natural ones and are made from an amalgamation of different materials like acrylic and metals.  You have to clean them properly every day, irrespective…

What Is a Dentoalveolar Infection?

Healthy teeth don’t hurt and cause a cranky child. If your child has been complaining of toothache or sensitivity, chances are that they might be suffering from dental decay, cavity, or a dentialveolar (relating to the teeth) infection. A dentoalveolar infection primarily affects your child’s teeth or mouth. Here is a list of things that…


What Is a Dental Injury? A dental injury is primarily an injury to the mouth. It can lead to the following: Lost or displaced teethBroken teethDamaged gums if you happen to have lost a tooth and still have the lost tooth in your possession, chances are that it can be saved. You should rush to…


Overview Herpes, also known as the Herpes simplex virus (HSV), is a common infection that is known to cause painful blisters and ulcers. It is communicable in nature and spreads by skin-to-skin contact. It is treatable though, though, cannot be completely cured. There are two types of herpes simplex virus. Type 1 (HSV-1) gets usually…

What Are Hutchinson Teeth?

Hutchinson’s teeth primarily indicate congenital syphilis, which happens when syphilis gets transmitted from the mother to the baby in her uterus or at birth. This condition becomes distinctive when the primary teeth of the infected child start to sprout. The incisor and the molars develop to get a triangular shape. They might also be widely…

Complete Overview of Chipped Tooth

The hardened exterior of the structure of the teeth or the enamel is one of the strongest structures on your body. But it is obviously not indestructible. A strong and forceful blow or wear and tear in unnatural amounts can also lead them to chip. These incidents result in a jagged tooth surface that can…

Impacted Teeth and The Things You Need to Know About Them

What Are Impacted Teeth? An impacted tooth is that tooth which some unknown reason has been blocked from popping out through the gum. Often the teeth might also be partially impacted, which means that they had begun to sprout but could not. Sometimes, the impacted teeth can show no obvious symptoms and won’t be discoverable…

How Is Nose Pain Related To Teeth Pain?

A serious type of sinus infection can lead to many uncomfortable facial symptoms and this also includes tooth pain and oral health problems. A sinus infection occurs when certain viruses or bacteria infects the sinus linings. So what are these sinuses? Sinuses are cavities which are filled up with air. Cilia which are the small…

Everything About Tongue Cancer

What Is Tongue Cancer? Tongue cancer is a type of head and neck cancer, it usually develops in the squamous cells which is located on the surface of the tongue. This in turn leads to tumors or lesions and later develops into cancer. Tongue cancer begins when there is a growth of abnormal cells that…

Hyperdontia and Everything You Need to Do About It.

Hyperdontia is a medical condition when way too many teeth grow in your mouth. This condition is also called Supernumerary teeth. The additional teeth usually grow right behind or very close to your usual primary or permanent teeth. What is Hyperdontia? Hyperdontia is a medical condition that leads to the growth and generation of way…

Edentulism (Toothlessness): Causes, Treatment, Prevention

Edentulism, otherwise known as complete tooth loss is an oral condition where the patient loses some of their teeth or all of their teeth. Missing teeth is a serious issue and is known to have detrimental impacts on overall health because it makes it hard for the patient to chew the food, which later hampers…

Bad Breath from Stomach Ulcers – Symptoms and Treatment

If you happen to experience bad breath regularly, stomach ulcers might be a probable cause. The subsequent stomach ache is usually known to stem from an infection of H. pylori, a common strain of bacteria that can be directly linked to gum diseases or periodontal diseases and bad breath. Stomach ulcers mostly require a strong…

The Best Foods for a Healthy Smile

You are what you eat- that's particularly true for your teeth and gums. We are not the only ones who love starchy and sugary food. As it turns out, the bacteria in our mouths like them as well. These bacteria are the ones responsible for gum disease and tooth decay. Including a variety of nutrient…

What is dental health and how does it affect pregnancy?

The idea of dental health primarily concerns itself with the health of your mouth, teeth and gums. It is a crucial part of your overall health. If you are either planning to get pregnant, or already pregnant, your oral health also becomes an important part of your prenatal care. Pregnancy can increase your risk for…

The Connections Between Oral Health and Well-Being That You Need to Know.

It is often surprising to find out about the benefits of maintaining a good oral health and dental hygiene regimen has far reaching benefits, beyond the mouth. Your oral health can majorly influence your overall health conditions, medical costs and bills, and your quality of life as a whole. “The significance of the mouth as…

Brushing Or Flossing – Which is More Important?

Which one is more important? Maintaining a good oral health hygiene regimen goes a long way in preserving your overall health. The ADA or the American Dental Association recommends you to brush your teeth at least twice a day, for two minutes with a soft bristles brush. That should be followed by a gentle yet…


Electric vs. manual toothbrush We cannot emphasise enough on the multiple benefits of brushing your teeth twice regularly, for goof oral care and prevention. According to the American Dental Association or the ADA, both electric and manual toothbrushes are sufficiently effective at getting rid of oral plaque that leads to decay and disease. However, both…


If you have inherited your mother’s eyes or your father’s bone structure, it is only fair that you will probably inherited their dental ailments too.  Like certain other features in your body, your oral health condition is heavily influenced by your genes too. A case of crooked teeth might be inherited by the off springs…

What Does a Dental Hygienist Do?

Dental hygienists are in high demand, claims the Bureau of Labour Statistics.  With an annual average salary of around $74,820 and a projected 10 year growth rate of 20%, the job outlook is amazing- making it the best time to be a part of this field. And as the population continues to grow and age,…

The Harmful Effects of Alcohol on Teeth

The Surprising Truth about Alcohol and Oral Health Drinking alcohol occasionally and in moderate amounts can be considered a part of a healthy lifestyle. But consuming alcohol in heavy quantities can be directly linked to all kinds of short-term and long-term health hazards. Alcohol is known to have adverse effects on the health of your…

How Does Root Planing Help To Maintain A Healthy Smile?

A joyous smile is what everyone wants. A whitened and a picture perfect smile comes by maintaining a salubrious oral health. In order to maintain a beautiful you need to maintain your oral health as well as you need to go for regular dental checkups too. If you do not maintain a good oral health…

Everything About Dental Crown And Taking Care Of Them

We know that smile is that pretty curve which heals you from within and everyone around you. There might be situations that ends up vanquishing the glamour of your smile. In such cases you need to go through several dental treatments in order to restore the radiance and beauty of your smile. Do you know…


It is surprising to know that almost 44% of people worldwide don’t get their tooth decay treated. There’s more to this story though. Almost 30% of senior citizens don’t have any natural teeth, and about 90% of school-goers suffer from tooth decay. Also, at least 91% of Americans at least have one tooth cavity by…

The Best Foods for a Healthy Smile

You are what you eat- that's particularly true for your teeth and gums. We are not the only ones who love starchy and sugary food. As it turns out, the bacteria in our mouths like them as well. These bacteria are the ones responsible for gum disease and tooth decay. Including a variety of nutrient-rich…

Root Canal Treatment: A Complete Guide to Everything

Root Canal Treatment: A Complete Guide to Everything Sometimes, it so happens that the bacteria successfully penetrate the teeth and attack the pulp of the teeth, and causes in infection. When this happens, you are going to need to get root canal therapy to save your tooth. During this procedure, the dental expert removes the…

How Does Root Planing Help To Maintain A Healthy Smile?

A joyous smile is what everyone wants. A whitened and picture-perfect smile comes by maintaining a salubrious oral health. In order to maintain a beautiful you need to maintain your oral health as well as you need to go for regular dental checkups too. If you do not maintain a good oral health then there…

A Discourse on Dental Health & Beauty

Want to Improve Your Smile? Cosmetic dentistry is a professional method of oral care that primarily acts on improving the appearance of your teeth, which in turn improves the appearance of your face. Although the procedures involved in cosmetic dentistry is more of an elective kind than an absolute necessity, some exceptional cases and treatment…

Surprising Facts about Invisalign You Need to Know

Crooked teeth can trigger self-consciousness and social anxiety in many people, making them feel embarrassed to interact or be out in the public.  Dental health can affect other organs and systems of our body in unfathomable ways, besides this one. Invisalign provides you with a way to straighten the setting of your teeth with getting…

Dental Health and Lung Disease

Dental health and oral hygiene can have unfathomable effects on multiple organs and systems in our body. It can also play an important role in accelerating lung diseases. Our mouths have bacteria in them, and the harmful ones can travel to many other organs, including our lungs to cause bacterial infection. Lungs and teeth are…

How Does Poor Oral Health Affect Your Stomach?

A human body is a complex machine, which is comprised of several systems that depend upon each other in order to function properly. If you think that you have kept your teeth and gums in a healthy condition then give it a second thought! A good oral hygiene is not only about keeping teeth and…

Gum Disease and the Connection to Heart Disease

One of the most surprising observations that were made in recent years, brought out that people who have poor oral health (wobbling tooth or gum disease) are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases such as cardiac arrest, as compared to people who maintain good oral hygiene. Why would cardiovascular disease and poor oral health be connected?…

Ever Thought Of Leading Your Life Without Your Real Teeth?

Not all of us are comfortable with the idea of replacing a missing tooth. Some of us want to leave it alone, fearing lifelong inconveniences that might come with artificial dentures. Even some of our ancestors have lived their lives without replacing their missing tooth. Teeth can go missing for various reasons, at any point…

Loose Teeth in Adults: Should I be worried?

Children are meant to lose their temporary teeth with age, but loosening of teeth in adults can be red flag. This occurs when external force is applied on the teeth, or when a tooth begins to lose support and get detached from the gum and the jaw. In situations like this, the slightest touch or…

How Can Liver Problems Affect Your Oral Health?

It is always said that your mouth is your body’s health mirror. Similarly if you maintain your body as well as your mouth then you definitely lead a salubrious life. There are several researches which have indicated that the oral mucosal lesions and periodontal disease is a common thing which is more pronounced in the…

Understanding The Connection Between Mental Health And Dental Health

How your gums and teeth can forewarn dentists about other health ailments. Visiting a dentist twice year is surely one of the important steps towards maintaining a good oral health and hygiene. But, what people don’t realize is that, this process can often trigger dormant mental issues. People often find surprising to learn that their…

How Is Poor Oral Hygiene Linked To Cancer?

In order to maintain a salubrious life one needs to look after their oral health and make it a priority to take care of it on a regular basis. And it is not something new poor oral health can lead to several other diseases. Do you know that a poor oral health condition can end…

Are You Facing Gum Pain, Then The Time Has Come To Dentist

Just like your sparkling teeth, your gums too play a very important role. Whenever your tooth pains it creates a havoc situation for you, similarly whenever your gums pain it might end up creating a miserable condition for you. Gum irritation is a very common dental diseases. Do you know that people who have a…

How Beneficial Is Coconut Water For Your Oral Health?

There are a lot beverages which gives your teeth a salubrious life, but do you know that coconut water which is a natural fluid can be a beneficial thing for your oral health. If you think that coconut water is just a sweet fluid and which consists of flesh in it, then you are mistaken.…

What Will Happen To Your Body If You Do Not Maintain Oral Hygiene?

A beautiful smile is want everyone wants, a charming and graceful smile emits a positive radiance around you. Do you know, in order to maintain that radiance in your smile you need to follow proper oral hygiene? It is not something new and we all have heard since our childhood that brushing your teeth once…

Gingivitis Causes Symptoms And Treatment

Gingivitis is a common oral health problem which is a mild form of gum disease, and this causes several other problems such as irritation, redness and swelling in the gingiva. Gingiva is part of your gum which is located around the base of your teeth. Hence it is an important thing to take the problem…

What Are Dental Emergencies? And What Are Their Instant Treatments?

Dental emergencies refer to those dental problems which require instant treatment or an instant temporary aid in order to repair the problem. Dental emergencies are those where the patient cannot wait for a few hours for the dentist to come, and treat the problem. In such a situation you should undergo instant treatment or else…

Is Using Mouthwash A Beneficial Thing For Your Oral Health?

Your alluring smile is what makes a first impression on anyone you meet. A beautiful smile is what creates a charming effect, and rejuvenates you from within throughout the day. In order to maintain that picture perfect smile of yours you need to look after maintaining your oral hygiene. Apart from brushing and flossing using…

Tooth Scaling And Root Planing

An adult only has one permanent set of teeth, and it is a very obvious thing that no one wants to lose them due to any kind of oral disease. If you have developed any kind of gum disease, then, in that case, tooth scaling and root planing would help in order to save your…
How Can Diabetes Affect Your Smile?

How Can Diabetes Affect Your Smile?

Your mouth is the mirror of your all over health. A healthy mouth speaks a lot about your health. It is true that if you want to maintain a healthy body, and hence it is an extremely important thing to look after your oral health. If you are facing any problem then it is an…

How Oral Inflammation Effects Your Health

What is Oral Inflammation? Whenever oral inflammation occurs it causes an uneasy feeling, and oral inflammation is also known as stomatitis. And stomatitis in general terms is also known as an inflamed and sore mouth. If this happens it can end up disrupting any person’s abilities to eat, talk and even sleep. Stomatitis is a…

How Pollution Affects Your Dental Health?

Pollution cannot always be viewed with naked eyes, particularly air pollution, but it is already there containing all carcinogenic agents. According to researchers at World Health Organization (WHO), pollution in the air is responsible for causing strokes, heart disease, lung disease, asthma attacks in people. Asthma has become very common nowadays owing to pollution in…

How To Choose The Right Dentist?

Dentists are medical experts or doctors who treat diseases related to teeth, gums and mouth. We all must have visited a dentist once or twice in our lifetime. There are various diseases that may occur in our mouth, including cavities, gingivitis, gum disease etc. Other problems that can occur in our mouth are irregular teeth,…

Fruits and Vegetables That Are Good For Teeth

Foods provide nutrition to our bodies. To maintain proper health, having a balanced diet is essential. Foods high in calcium and other essential nutrients like low-fat cheese, fat-free or low-fat milk, plain yoghurt, and leafy greens can all provide the nourishment you need for healthy teeth. Foods high in protein like eggs, fish, meat, and…
Top 15 Common Teeth Diseases and How You Should Take Care of Oral Health

Top 15 Common Teeth Diseases and How You Should Take Care of Oral Health

A magnificent and a jovial smile is an alluring thing which holds a different radiance in it. Everyone wants their smile to be a perfect one that pleases everyone around them. And it is not something new that a beautiful smile is the first thing which people would notice at the first instance when they…
For How Long Does Dental Numbing Lasts?

For How Long Does Dental Numbing Lasts?

A blissful smile is what everyone admires, well a magical radiance in your smile not only lifts your mood but also rejuvenates everyone around you. Visiting a dentist for a checkup or even for your dental treatment is not a joyous or exciting moment for anyone. It is not something new that there are many…
Can I smoke after a dental filling?

Can I smoke after a dental filling?

What is A Dental Filling? A dental filling is used to treat a cavity, a small hole in a tooth. In order to repair a cavity, a dentist first removes the cavity from the decayed tooth and then fills the space with a material that is used for filling the tooth hole. A tooth can…

Ways Which Help You to Control Tartar Buildup

Who doesn’t wishes to have a smile that brightens everyone around them? The care that you do for your oral health eventually enhances the radiance of your smile. A jovial smile lifts you up from within and helps you in achieving new heights every day. Well everyone wants a set of whitened teeth, and in…
How Beneficial are Dairy Products for Your Dental Heath?

How Beneficial are Dairy Products for Your Dental Heath?

Salubrious oral hygiene is a sign of good health. Your mouth is the mirror of your all-over health. A jovial smile’s radiance is what helps to enhance you from within. Well, in order to maintain the radiance of your smile you need to follow the regular oral health care routine. Besides following oral hygiene you…

How Drinking Water Helps in Maintaining the Radiance of your Smile?

When the question is about your health, water acts as a gem in maintaining a salubrious lifestyle. Water is one such element that makes up about 60% of our bodies. Without this vital liquid, the human body is unable to perform. Apart from maintaining a good health, water is one such thing which is an…

Gum Infection and Prevention

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, mostly caused by a bacterial infection.  When left untreated, it can turn out to become a more serious infection also known as periodontitis. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the major causes of tooth loss in adults, according to Indian Dental Association. Gum infection may cause severe pain and swelling,…

How to Prevent Bad Breaths?

Oral health is the most important prerequisite of our overall well-being and good quality of life. There is an obvious relationship between oral and general health.  Bad tooth condition ranges from diseases and conditions that include dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer. Bad breath is the result of many conditions, which can…
Which Herbs and Spices are Good for Teeth?

Which Herbs and Spices are Good for Teeth?

Teeth are covered in an outer coating called enamel. Each day, a thin layer of bacteria called dental plaque builds up on your teeth. The bacteria in plaque produce acids that can harm enamel and cause cavities. Brushing and flossing your teeth every day, can prevent decay, but once a cavity forms, a dentist must…
eading a Salubrious Life with Invisalign during Covid-19

Leading a Salubrious Life with Invisalign during Covid-19

With the sprawling spreading of covid-19 all over the world, people have abided themselves inside the doors and there have been major changes in everybody’s life. Though there are several challenges during the tough times of the pandemic that doesn’t stop you from achieving the jovial smile that you owe. Just like keeping yourself sanitized…
Teeth and Caffeine: Does It Effect?

Teeth and Caffeine: Does It Effect?

Humans have a total of 32 permanent teeth that is one pair each of upper and lower central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, first bicuspids, second bicuspids, first molars, second molars, and third molars also known as wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth vary from one individual to another that is —not everyone gets all four wisdom teeth…
Dental Extraction – A Complete Overview

Dental Extraction – A Complete Overview

A dental extraction is the removal of teeth from its socket in the alveolar bone. Extractions are done for a variety of reasons, but most commonly extraction is essentially done to remove teeth which no longer is healthy and serve good purpose but rather cause pain, either due to cavity through tooth decay, periodontal disease,…
Hormones and Dental Health

Hormones and Dental Health

Hormones play an important role in regulating our bodies, particularly for women. Women face an increased sensitivity to dental health because of the unique hormonal changes they experience in their bodies. Due to these changes, women are more vulnerable to periodontal disease at a certain stage of their lives, as well as to other oral…
Is Tea Boon or Bane For Your Teeth?

Is Tea Boon or Bane For Your Teeth?

A beautiful and jovial smile is what everyone endeavors for, and a magnificent smile cherishes you from within to achieve new heights. Well, do you know that one cup of warm tea can not only energize you from within but is a beneficial thing for your teeth too? The periodic habit of drinking tea can…
What effect does Diabetes have on your oral health

What effect does Diabetes have on your oral health?

Diabetes is a kind of disease that has a detrimental effect on health, as it can harm the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and several other important systems in our body. Well, this doesn’t stop over here if you have fallen prey to diabetes then it can also have a hampering effect on your mouth too.…
When is the appropriate time to remove Wisdom Teeth

When is the appropriate time to remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom tooth, by hearing the name a sudden thought might bloom in your mind, the tremendous pain that it gives that can directly land you in the hospital. The unbearable situation arises when the wisdom tooth located at the very back of your mouth, doesn’t sprout out fully and is not positioned correctly creating a…
How Oil Pulling can do wonders to your Oral Health

How Oil Pulling can do wonders to your Oral Health?

Do you know that the ultimate ingredients that can give you a salubrious lifestyle are kept in the conditioners of your kitchen? Well, among that oil is one such thing, which has got numerous benefits within it. Oil is one ingredient that can be beneficial for your hair, body, and even on your mouth too.…
The Link-Up between AlzheimerÔÇÖs & your Oral Health

The Link-Up between Alzheimer’s & your Oral Health

Your beauteous smile captives everyone around you, it is a very vital thing to maintain your oral health. Your well-maintained oral health has a great impact on your overall health and your confidence too, and it can also have other implications for your life too. There is a correlation between oral health and other health…
How Dentophobia and Anxiety can pinch your mind

How Dentophobia and Anxiety can pinch your mind?

It is always said that a beautiful smile is the key to unlocking golden opportunities. A sparkling smile can do wonders for your life, a soulful smile eventually emits rays of happiness and keeps the positivity within you. Well, it is not something new how important it is to maintain your oral hygiene in order…
Harmful Effects of Tobacco that Demolishes your Oral Health

Harmful Effects of Tobacco that Demolishes your Oral Health

It is well known that by smoking tobacco you are sowing the seeds of several diseases into your body which evolves with time and devastates yours all over health. Smoking tobacco paves the road for several cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases and eventually throws you into the jaws of death. Well, there are many people…
Things to Avoid While Brushing

Things to Avoid While Brushing

A beautiful and magnificent smile is something that everyone endeavors. For getting that perfect sparkling smile everyone goes through a lot of procedures. Having a beautiful smile acts like a lucky charm for yourself as it uplifts your confidence and enlivens your mood. Having a perfect smile is something that everyone deliberately wants and there…
Fascinating Discoveries made in Dental Science

Fascinating Discoveries made in Dental Science

Everyone knows that a sparkling smile is something that is a strong pillar in building your confidence. To achieve that beautiful and whitened smile, there are tons of people out there who spend lakhs from their pockets. A whitened smile props up your confidence to a higher level and enlivens your life. Well, let’s be…
Importance of Visiting a Dentist Twice a Year

Importance of Visiting a Dentist Twice a Year

Your smile is the ultimate ornament that braces your life and uplifts your confidence to another level. To keep up with that sparkling smile, you need to maintain your oral hygiene regularly. Besides brushing your teeth twice a day, you need to floss regularly. That sparkling smile of yours is the golden key to unlocking…
What not to do while wearing Invisalign

What not to do while wearing Invisalign

INTRODUCTION Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that is used to achieve a beautiful smile. It aligns the teeth for people who have disarrayed teeth, which often causes a disturbance during eating or chewing. Sometimes they may overbite a food, thereby biting over the tongue and causing pain to oneself. However, there are certain precautions that…

Bad Habits that Cause Dental Disorder

As the famous saying goes, “where there is thunder there is lightning.” Hence if you end up messing up with your health habits, you would eventually fall into the trap of various diseases. The same goes for the case of your dental health. Your dental health has a lot of impact on your overall presence.…
Interesting and Helpful facts about your child’s teeth

Interesting and Helpful facts about your child’s teeth

Your child’s teeth have a lot to say that you might not know. You might be unaware of the fact that your baby’s teeth themselves are a riddle and have got many hidden facts within them.  When a child’s teeth start to sprout out, many parents notice this as a joyous milestone in their child’s…
Dental Health and Depression.

Dental Health and Depression

The connection between your oral health and your mental illness  Depression a name that always sprouts as a demon in your mind can devastate your life into pieces. Depression is a common mental health which has affected larger masses worldwide. As per the reports WHO more than 280 million people are dreadfully suffering from depression.…
Why Keeping Teeth White Important in Corporate World

Why Keeping Teeth White Important in Corporate World?

Importance of a whitened smile in your life  In today’s world, everyone wants to be perfect, to maintain their perfect personality is a token that helps anyone to climb the ladder of success deliberately. Keeping your teeth white is quite an essential part if you want to shine among the crowd. Your personality speaks a…
The Confluence of Oral health and Your Mental Illness

The Confluence of Oral health and Your Mental Illness

Depression a name that always sprouts as a demon in your mind can devastate your life into pieces. Depression is a common mental health which has affected larger masses worldwide. As per the reports of WHO more than 280 million people are dreadfully suffering from depression. If you see someone suffering from depression, they might…
Interesting Facts of Emergency Dental Procedure

Interesting Facts of Emergency Dental Procedure

Sparkling teeth is the ultimate goal for an enlivening smile. These white pearly crowns boost up your confidence and brighten up your life. Well, just like how floods destroy the ripen cereals field, similarly some medical emergencies that suddenly sprout up in your life eventually devastate you. During any such situation, it requires immediate medical…

Should you choose teeth whitening is it safe?

As rightfully commented by John Heywood, “Look before you leap”, and the same goes in the case of teeth whitening. Though you might see numerous advertisements on television and in magazines that promote teeth whitening and sell teeth whitening products. Keeping that aside you should know whether you should choose teeth whitening or not. First,…
Why aren’t porcelain teeth used in dentures anymore?

Why aren’t porcelain teeth used in dentures anymore?

Porcelain teeth have been bashed out while creating dentures. What was welcomed as the greatest invention by dental hygienists in the early 19th century and widely got famous over the decades is now not used anymore.  The fact that something will survive or evolve hinges upon efficacy, and this efficacy has multiple factors circumnavigating it.…
How old people should maintain oral hygiene_

How old people should maintain oral hygiene?

Why is oral hygiene important for senior citizens? Good oral hygiene is very important for any age group of people. Hence it is very important to follow and maintain proper good oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is required to maintain good health, as it is said that dental health is closely linked with some serious…

Pediatric dental procedures that can work magic for your child

Taking care of our precious teeth is very important, and it becomes even more vital when it comes to the dental health of our children. As children are growing, so are their teeth; and in this growing age, giving special attention to their dental well-being ensures that their teeth are free from any kind of…
Impacted wisdom teeth what to do with it_

Impacted wisdom teeth what to do with it?

An impacted wisdom tooth happens when the third molar becomes partially or fully trapped in your gums or jawbone. If you come under such a situation then it can easily land you with various oral health problems which include infection, tooth decay, and gum diseases. During such a situation surgical removal is often recommended for…
Benefits of Cosmetic dentistry on your health and success

Benefits of Cosmetic dentistry on your health and success

Having a cheerful smile is a precious gift, as it raises your confidence bar on a higher note. When you smile your teeth magnify your beauty, and they can tell a lot about your oral health and hygiene. If you end up maintaining them well then you should know that the time has come to…
Reasons why Invisalign may not work for you

Reasons why Invisalign may not work for you

Having a beautiful set of teeth can do wonders in your life from having a blissful smile to raising your confidence. While there are different reasons such as tooth gaps or crooked teeth, demolish the confidence level within one. Then people opt for the fixing method such as wearing braces, and there are much more…
Top 10 junk foods that cause decay

Top 10 junk foods that cause decay

It is said that as you sow, so you reap. Hence what you eat affects your teeth leading to a serious oral health issue known as tooth decay. A hard build-up of plaque developed in your mouth which ultimately has a direct effect not just on your oral health but even on your overall health. …
What are the things a mother should know about baby teeth_

What are the things a mother should know about baby teeth?

The tooth is a very crucial part of everyone’s life, a good set of teeth bewitches everybody. Even it is a very important part of a mother’s life when her baby’s first tooth blooms. During this time mothers will get several questions in their mind, related to their baby’s new tooth. This is the time…
Natural Dental Emergency Methods

Natural Dental Emergency Method

A sudden toothache can be difficult as you and will cause several problems for you such as chewing food, speaking, and even sleeping. While the most common reasons for the tooth include cracked, infected teeth. There are other causes too which lead to severe tooth injury. Some of the other causes of the tooth of…
The 10 Unbelievable Benefits of Teeth Whitening

The 10 Unbelievable Benefits of Teeth Whitening

In today’s world, the presence of a good facial appearance is one of the important things. One thing which makes one’s facial appearance look good is their white brighten teeth. To get that crystal clear whitening teeth, many people depend upon teeth whitening products. By the year of 2024, it is estimated that the annual…
What are the causes of oral bumps

What are the causes of oral bumps?

What are the causes of oral bumps? Oral bumps are oral mucous cysts that are caused due to irritated or inflamed salivary glands. At times many people experience gum pains and irritations at some point. Oral bumps are caused due to the build-up of plaque and several other types of bacteria which is the cause…

7 Common Dental Problems Faced by Children

1. Tooth decay (caries) Most young children cannot brush and floss their teeth without supervision. Coupled with the fact that some children have a high-sugar diet, tooth decay can become a major problem. Tooth decay occurs when sticky plaque builds up on the surface of the teeth. Basically, the acid in plaque eats away at…

How Coffee Affects Dental Health

Introduction Tea and Coffee are an integral part of our everyday life. Most Indians start their day with a brewing hot cup of Coffee, which is an instant mood lifter and revitalizer. People have their own way of having coffee; some like it as raw and black with zero added sugar, some with added sugar…

What You Can Do About Bad Breath

It's easy to improve your breath and keep your teeth and gums healthy at the same time. Try these simple steps to make your mouth feel fresh and clean. 1. Brush and floss more often. Plaque, the sticky build-up on your teeth, collects bacteria that cause bad breath. Trapped food also makes the problem worse.…

Baby Teeth Care: A Complete Overview

Baby tooth improvement Baby teeth expand whilst infants are nonetheless inside the womb. Newborns have a complete set of 20 infant teeth hidden of their gums. For maximum infants, teeth start to seem between 6 and 10 months. But in a few youngsters, teeth seem as early as three months. In others, they don’t arrive till around 12 months. A very small variety of youngsters are born with 1-2 teeth. Most youngsters have their complete set of infant's teeth through three years of age. A baby tooth can arrive in any order, even though the lower incisors are regularly first, accompanied by the higher incisors. The first molars are commonly next, accompanied by the dogs and 2nd molars. Teething As every infant’s teeth receive to the floor of the gum,…

Hyperdontia: Cause, Symptoms, Solutions

What are the symptoms of hyperdontia? Although rare, hyperdontia causes abnormal growth of teeth near adults’ usual source of teeth. It’s harmless but causes discomfort and other issues. Shapes of extra teeth include: Conical Shaped: The tooth looks like canine. Wide at base and pointed at the peak. Supplemental Shaped:  The tooth looks just like…

What to do in Wisdom Tooth Pain?

Although we do not remember much about teething as a baby, the arrival of our wisdom teeth is an exception as it creates sufferings due to aching teeth, tender gums, and pain. In the very back of our mouth, wisdom teeth are the third set of molars. Between 17-25 years of age, the wisdom teeth…

Tongue Sore: When should you visit a Dentist?

Are you suffering from a sore tongue? Well, many of us have faced a situation like this before. You cannot ignore it at all as you feel continuous pain and discomfort while eating and speaking. A sore tongue may occur for various reasons. A common type of this condition usually goes away on its own…

Oral Sores: What to do with them?

What is an oral sore? Mouth sores are difficult to ignore. It becomes extremely painful as lesions formed in the soft tissues of the mouth make you face trouble while eating and speaking. These sores may appear in any part of your mouth that including the tongue, lips, gums, cheeks, the floor or the roof…

What To Eat & Drink To Make Your Teeth Healthy?

So, can food make your teeth healthy enough to prevent oral disease? While it may seem too good to be true, there might be a slight possibility to eat healthy to make your teeth healthy. You already know that food can damage teeth enamel which protects teeth from getting damaged. However, when teeth enamel wears…

Pediatric dental procedures that can work magic for your child

Taking care of our precious teeth is very important, and it becomes even more vital when it comes to the dental health of our children. As children are growing, so are their teeth; and in this growing age, giving special attention to their dental well-being ensures that their teeth are free from any kind of…

How Tobacco Affects Oral Health

Smoking does not only affect your lungs, it is bad for your oral health as well. If you overindulge in smoking, you will eventually suffer from tooth discoloration. Bad breath is another problem which you might face if you smoke too much. Over smoking can cause plaque and tartar development as well. If you continue…
All About Dental & Oral Diseases

All About Dental & Oral Diseases

Oral health is essential for overall health. If you talk about overall well-being, you will still have to pay attention to your oral health. Poor dental hygiene can cause serious dental issues which can eventually cause other serious health issues. Gum disease and cavities are small problems compared to some of the health issues poor…
Important Vitamins for Oral Health

Important Vitamins for Oral Health

Gum diseases are serious enough to harm overall oral health. When left untreated this can affect jaw bone, mouth ligaments, and connective tissues in the mouth. Gum diseases are common across the world. It affects many out there. In addition, plaque development leads to gingivitis or gum inflammation. Gingivitis is a serious oral disease that…
Advantages and Disadvantages of Denture

Advantages and Disadvantages of Denture

Ill-fitted and wobbly are the words which come to mind the moment someone mentions denture. However, the image which has been implanted into the minds of people can be altered with a little effort and planning. If a temporary denture does not work for you, there is always the goodness of a permanent denture to…
why should you remove wisdom teeth

Why Should You Remove Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, the phrase come with the sensation of sharp ache and mind-numbing gum irritation. Wisdom teeth are the ones that you find at the very back side of your mouth. These teeth cause immense pain and irritation. Those who get wisdom teeth, usually visit doctors right away to find a proper pain removal solution.…
Sudden Gum Pain - What's Wrong_

Sudden Gum Pain – What’s Wrong?

Sore, swelled, and aching gum can rob off a night’s sleep easily. Even though gum diseases are painful, people rarely try to prevent them at the initial stage. Good oral hygiene is essential if you want to prevent gum disease from commencing. Yet, rarely do people adhere to good oral hygiene and wash off germs…
Common Dental Problems in Children

Common Dental Problems in Children

Occasional dental problems in children are common. They may face problems like tooth loss or cavity-related problems. If you look at it carefully, you will see that children's dental problems are not too different from adult dental problems. Both children and adults suffer from problems that are common in both ages. However, the treatment may…

Leukoplakia – Everything You Need to Know

Leukoplakia is quite common among adults and children. However, it is not as popular as other oral diseases. If you have not heard about it, you are not alone. There are many others who fall in the same category as they have not heard about the disease. Leukoplakia is an oral condition. When you suffer…

Simple Dental Care Tips for Kids

Dental care is not limited to children only. Your kids need dental care as well. For this reason, you need to make a dental care routine for your child to prevent dental problems. Some parents think that dental care begins after the first tooth is born. However, it is not so. Dental care should begin…

Dental Care after Root Canal Treatment

By now, everyone has heard about root canal treatment. A root canal is an essential dental procedure that is performed to prevent tooth loss. Countless people have acquired this treatment and get benefited from it. The root canal is an amazing procedure that can help you avoid tooth extraction. However, you must go for a…

Miswak for Teeth – What Dentists Say About It

Produced from the stems of Salvadora persica, miswak has been used for dental wellness since ancient times. It is a chewing stick that people chew to clean their teeth. In different parts of the world, miswak is used for the improvement of oral health. Countless studies have been done to get a better understanding of…
The Dangerous Side of Gingivitis – What You Must Know

The Dangerous Side of Gingivitis – What You Must Know

Gum disease is a common oral condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It has been seen that many adults face this problem. Yet, they don’t pay attention to the problem until it is too late. Usually, people don’t notice Gingivitis before it starts showing its symptoms. However, it is important to maintain oral health.…
Everything You Need to Know about Cavity

Everything You Need to Know about Cavity

Dental issues are common among people around the world. A little blood during the brushing session is not something to be alarmed over, right? Well, wrong. No matter who tells you what, bleeding during brushing is never a good sign. You should not bleed while brushing or flossing. It shows that either you have weak…
Rare Dental Problems – A Quick Discussion

Rare Dental Problems – A Quick Discussion

Everyone speaks of common dental problems. However, no one says anything about rare problems which may occur and create issues in your overall lifestyle. If you want to stay away from serious dental issues, it is time you learn about rare dental cases as well. Given below is a list of rare dental diseases which…
Fluoride Treatment – Everything You Need To Know

Fluoride Treatment – Everything You Need To Know

So, you must have heard of fluoride. Everyone has heard of this amazing substance which comes with a plethora of benefits. Fluoride can fight and prevent tooth decay. It is the reason why manufacturers use fluoride in toothpaste. Even though everyone knows about the benefits of fluoride, they don’t know how to incorporate fluoride into…

Sensitive Teeth – Causes, Cure, & Care

If a spoonful of ice cream or a sip of cold soda makes you shriek in tooth pain, you are not taking good care of your oral health. Tooth sensitivity is a common problem that can cause you real trouble if you don’t seek medical assistance in time. Sensitive teeth don’t get aggravated by cold…
Dental Abscess – Definition, Causes, & Treatment

Dental Abscess – Definition, Causes, & Treatment

A tooth abscess is a well-known dental ailment. This disease is considered to be serious. It can be challenging to treat and manage. An abscess is nothing but a pocket where pus forms. It happens at the root of the tooth. This disease does not have any certain age group. From elders to children, anyone…
Who Is the Perfect Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Who Is the Perfect Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry has gained a lot of fame during the last few years. However, people don’t look at it with pleading eyes all the time. To them, cosmetic dentistry is something that people opt for to enhance their beauty. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to enhance your beauty, some people still don’t regard…
Cavities – Everything You Need to Know

Cavities – Everything You Need to Know

Everyone is familiar with cavities. It does not only cause excruciating pain, it causes serious oral health harm. For this reason, it is important to take care of the cavity the moment, you notice it. While a cavity is a known factor to everyone, many get overwhelmed by some cavity myths. You should not hear…
Common Dental Hygiene Myths - What No One Talks About

Common Dental Hygiene Myths – What No One Talks About

If you search the internet, you will find a plethora of tips and articles on dental hygiene. The oral care professionals will give you a bucket full of tips on oral hygiene. However, you will find a plethora of misconceptions as well. Your job is to filter the myths and stick to the real tips…
How Gum Issues are Related with Chronic Ailments

How Gum Issues are Related with Chronic Ailments?

Those who don’t know will be surprised if someone tells them that – by the condition of their gum, one can detect their health status. Yes, your gum ailment does not stay limited to your mouth only. It spreads and affects overall health. Remember that dental checkup does not remain limited to cavity detection only.…
Quick Homemade Remedy for Tooth Ache

Quick Homemade Remedy for Tooth Ache

Toothache or dental problems are common. Everyone suffers from this. The dental problem needs immediate medical care. If you don’t seek medical assistance the dental problem, you are suffering from will get more serious. For this reason, it is important to find a dentist who will treat your dental problem and offer you a remedy. …
Periodontitis Home Remedy

Periodontitis Home Remedy

Periodontitis better known as gum disease can be regarded as a simple gum infection. Gum can get affected severely if you leave your gum infection untended. This infection affects the gum tissue and causes damage to the teeth supporting bones. If you don’t treat your gum properly, you may end up losing your teeth.  Periodontitis…
ome Health Issues Caused By Oral Disease.

Some Health Issues Caused By Oral Disease

Recently medical studies have found that oral disease can trigger many other ailments and not necessarily each one of the oral problems. Many have no idea that oral health can affect the wellness of overall health condition. The mouth is the way things go inside, it possesses the power to cause a negative impact on…
how to take carfe of broken teeth

How to Take Care of Broken Teeth?

A broken tooth can come with immense pain and discomfort. While chipped or cracked teeth are common events, you may find it difficult to take care of your oral health when you have damaged teeth. Teeth damage occurs due to a number of reasons. From accident to lack of care, anything can cause teeth damage.…
Elderly Dental Care Tips

Elderly Dental Care Tips

Age aggravates dental issues. For this reason, you need to pay attention to your dental care even more as you age. Therefore, taking care of your dental health is truly essential. If you don’t take care of your dental health, you will face intense dental problems. Tooth care is essential for health. Also, you should…
Why Taking Care Of Your Child's Teeth Is Important

Why Taking Care Of Your Child’s Teeth Is Important

Oral care is an indispensable aspect of human life. It is the only way through which you can prevent oral problems. Dental care should begin from the very days of childhood. When your child is growing, you should pollinate the soil and solidify the foundation of their teeth to combat the ailments which await them…
Everything You Need To Know About Sudden Toothache

Everything You Need To Know About Sudden Toothache

Countless articles have been written on toothache and will be written on this topic. Rarely comes an individual who does not care about toothaches. It has the power to make people spend sleepless nights. The problem with some toothaches is that they affect both the head and eye area. So, if you are suffering from…
How to Keep Your Gum Healthy

How to Keep Your Gum Healthy

Oral health is more than the shape or color of your teeth. A bright smile is essential, no doubt, but oral health does not refer to a dazzling smile either. While teeth get a lot of attention, people frequently forget about their gums. Yes, your gum is also a part of your mouth and therefore,…
How to Take Care of Your Tongue

How to Take Care of Your Tongue

Amidst the frenzy of keeping teeth and gum healthy, people often forget an essential aspect of oral health care. It is your tongue. While you may not remember to acknowledge the tongue, no one can deny that tongue is way too important. Without your tongue, you will not be able to speak. Your tongue helps…
Oral Cancer – Symptoms & Treatment

Oral Cancer – Symptoms & Treatment

Oral cancer or mouth cancer is a common form of neck and head cancer. Usually, oral cancer affects people aged 60 and above. If you delve into the matter of oral cancer and begin gathering information, you will see that oral cancer affects the mouth area and the first part of the tongue. Also, it…
Dental Emergencies which Need Medical Attention

Dental Emergencies which Need Medical Attention

Every time someone says a dental problem, people think about pain. However, dental problems do not only cause pain, but also gum swelling, bleeding, and extreme discomfort. However, what should you consider a dental emergency? Many have no idea about this. It is important to know when you should see a dentist without delay.  What…
Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

The term wisdom teeth comes with a sense of shivering fright. Fright because wisdom teeth have become synonymous with excruciating pain and suffering. Despite the name, the truth is – wisdom teeth do not elevate wisdom or smartness. These teeth are called wisdom teeth because they come out in the later period of life. Usually,…
future of dentistry

Future of Dentistry

Everyone can relate to their childhood fear of visiting a dental clinic. The fear is justified because sitting around and having someone to poke inside the mouth can be awkward. For this reason, people detest going to dental clinics. However, everyone knows that to maintain oral health, they need to visit their dental care center…

Things to Know About Invisalign

A perfect smile is a kind of therapy that possesses the power to light up everything. However, the perfection of a smile sometimes gets affected by the shape of the teeth. Crooked, uneven teeth not only reduce the beauty of a smile but also make people conscious of their appearance. A perfect set of teeth…

Cosmetic Dentistry – Facts to Remember

Countless poems have been written on the beauty of smiles. However, often this beauty gets marred due to aging, chipped tooth, tooth misalignment, and many other oral disfigurements. If you are experiencing any of these dental issues, and feeling a little low because your smile does not light up the room anymore, you have the…

Is Invisalign Safe During Pregnancy?

Invisalign is famous cosmetic dentistry that has gained immense popularity across the world. This is an effective treatment that cures a common teeth-related problem. If you have crooked teeth which affect the beauty of your smile, Invisalign might be the answer to your prayer. This wonder teeth treatment does not only correct the shape of…

20 Dental Care Tips – Before & After Pregnancy

Pregnancy is no doubt an event to celebrate. However, some aspects may cause pregnancy time to be a little awkward. Your dental health can be the cause of worry before, during, and after pregnancy.  Do you need special dental care during this time? The answer is – yes, you do. Pregnancy is a sensitive time…

What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Countless poems have been written on the beauty of smiles. However, often this beauty gets marred due to aging, chipped tooth, tooth misalignment, and many other oral disfigurements. If you are experiencing any of these dental issues and feeling a little low because your smile does not light up the room anymore, you have the…
Cosmetic Dentistry: Types & Benefits 2022

Cosmetic Dentistry: Types & Benefits 2022

Definition of Cosmetic Dentistry The key difference between restorative surgery and cosmetic surgery lies in the objective itself. While restorative surgery looks after dental health, cosmetic surgery focuses purely on the beauty appeal of a person’s smile. Of course, your dental health will be benefitted if you go for cosmetic dental surgery. But the focus…
Top 3 Clear Aligner Brands 2022

Top 3 Clear Aligner Brands 2022

Invisalign This is our first choice as Invisalign has been in the market for decades and received immense popularity both among people and dentists. ADVANTAGES Treatment would be supervised by your dentist in the clinic Dentists are required to complete Invisalign training from the company Invisalign addresses a wide range of bite and alignment issues…

Advantages & Disadvantages of Clear Aligners

The treatment of misaligned teeth has become very easy nowadays. Previously braces were used, and records revealed a number of drawbacks. While clear aligners come with plenty of advnatages and some disadvantages, however, the comfort ratio is superseding that of braces. As clear veneers are gaining momentum with respect to popularity and benefits, we can…

What are the Advantages of Getting Your Bite Aligned?

The general health of the body is determined by how food is chewed and digested by the body. Your bite should be properly aligned to chew the food effectively. Aside from the health advantages, having perfectly aligned teeth is quite important for cosmetic appearances. Crooked teeth not only look bad, but they can also cause…

5 Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth

What factors contribute to a gorgeous smile? Your teeth, after all, are the most significant feature of your smile. White and sparkling teeth may enhance the beauty of your smile. Stains can discolour your teeth on the surface or by causing changes inside the tooth. The hue of these dots might range from yellowish-brown to…

5 Ways to Transform Your Smile with Dental Veneers

According to studies, a person's smile has a direct impact on how much confidence they feel and demonstrate in interactions with others. Do you have a strong smile, or do you tend to hide it from others? If it's the latter, dental veneers might be the solution! Dental veneers are wafer-thin shells that are permanently…

5 Types of Veneers: Costs, Procedure, and Risks

The fine shells that are applied over the teeth in order to enhance their look are called dental veneers. These veneers also play a great role to safeguard the teeth from any harm and ultimately result in a dazzling and healthy-looking smile. These fine shells covering your teeth have the colour of your tooth and…

Are Veneers Removable or Permanent?

If you're considering veneers, you might be asking if the procedure is irreversible or if it can be reverted. So read on to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and make a better educated decision regarding your procedure. First and foremost, the answer to the question that has been posted in the title itself is Yes.…
dental venner - benefits, procedure, cost etc

Dental Veneers: Benefits, Procedures, Costs, and Results

Did you know that a smile is the most remarkable component of a first impression for most people? When you want to make your smile a bit more brilliant, dental veneers may be the answer. Veneers, for example, are a cosmetic dental technique that may help you improve the appearance of your smile while also…

Do Veneers Destroy your Teeth?

In the world of cosmetic dentistry, veneers are one of the most popular solutions these days. Several individuals who are exploring this dental prosthesis question if it would harm their natural teeth if they get it installed. Veneers, when done correctly, will not harm your teeth. But before you prepare yourself for veneers, there are…

Is Invisalign an Adult Orthodontic Solution?

Invisalign is a teeth-aligning technology that is appropriate for both teenagers and adults. Straightening trays can be used instead of braces. The transparent aligners gently rearrange the teeth by applying pressure to them. Invisalign is a non-obtrusive alternative to metal braces that allows you to fix flaws in your smile without drawing attention to yourself.…

Different Issues Invisalign can treat

Invisalign: The ultimate smile fixer Invisalign has revolutionized orthodontics. Over five million orthodontic patients worldwide have flocked to the clear plastic aligner method. The most intriguing aspect of the novel treatment procedure is its improved looks. Invisalign treatment, in the care of a skilled Orthodontist, may substantially improve your smile. When it comes to…

Does Invisalign Reduce TMJ pain?

If you frequently wake up with painful jaw or tension headaches, you may be grinding or clenching your teeth at night, which is known as TMJ condition. Sleep bruxism can result in damaged enamel, broken teeth, and gum recession. Furthermore, your temporomandibular joint pains and your face muscles become sore. TMJ dysfunction is frequently caused…

Natural Ways to Prevent Teeth Cavity

What are cavities and what causes them? Caries, or dental cavities, are microscopic cracks in the tough surface of the teeth. They are caused by bacteria on the tooth surfaces that produce acid from sugar. Streptococcus mutants, bacteria, is the most prevalent cause. Plaque is a sticky coating formed by microorganisms. Plaque acids demineralize…

What Are Veneers and How Should You Care For Them?

Veneers: An Introduction A dental veneer is a thin, tooth-colored shell that is bonded to the front surface of a tooth to enhance its aesthetic appeal. Commonly, veneers are made from porcelain or resin composite materials and can be used to treat a wide range of dental problems. Veneers can be used to correct…

Why Smile Craft Dental is the Best for Invisalign Treatment?

Everyone has the right to a beautiful smile, yet many of us are either ashamed or require assistance in achieving a flawless beaming smile. In recent years, many people have turned to transparent orthodontic devices known as clear aligners to align their teeth and achieve that perfect smile. Unlike braces, which utilize metal brackets and…

What is the Dental Bonding Cost?

Dental bonding is sometimes referred to as composite bonding or tooth bonding. Minor damage or gaps between teeth can be repaired with this treatment. It's typically used to repair dental problems such as tooth chipping, fractures, and gaps. Bonding can also help to whiten teeth, which can help to reduce discolouration. If you have a…

The Benefits of Fissure Sealants

Painless and easy, that's precisely what your teeth would love in getting treated on developing fissures. Yes, you heard it right, dental sealants provide a great way of non-invasive and convenient surgical procedure for sealing fissures that usually occur in rear molars and premolars which are at risk of decay. In the modern world, dental…

Dental X-Rays – The Myths and the Facts

In the world that we live in the present day, no matter how hard we try, we can never circumvent radiation. Radiation is all around us, be it natural or artificial. It has become a part and parcel of our everyday life. Sometimes radiation is in the form of cell phones and wi-fi, airplane flights…

Why Does My Jaw Hurt?

Pain, regardless of its type, is a very uncomfortable process. Any sort of pain indicates that something isn’t right somewhere in your body. One of those areas could be your jaw. The nature of the pain can be of any type. For instance, it can be a dull ache, soreness, or sharp relentless pain. Are…

What Are the Teeth Bonding Disadvantages?

Have a cracked, chipped, or simply discolored tooth or even an ugly gap between teeth? Don't despair or lose confidence, says the periodontist, and assures a simple cosmetic dental procedure exists that can restore your confidence to flash those pearly whites rendering a charming smile. Teeth Bonding, also known as enamel bonding, involves the application of…

How much does it cost to get a full mouth of dental implants?

Dental implants are the optimum choice for most people when it comes to restoring damaged, diseased, or missing teeth. However, when you see the price range that this gold standard of tooth replacement commands, you may be taken aback. Dental Implants: The Average Cost Since no two dental implant operations are the same, expenses are…

Can You Brush Your Teeth Too Much?

You recognise the value of proper dental hygiene and brush and floss regularly. Is it possible that you brush your teeth too much? Yes, dentists agree on that! Too much tooth brushing, often known as overbrushing, can harm your teeth and gums. What is overbrushing, and what can it do to your teeth? Do you…

15 Common dental Illnesses

In the present day world, one thing that people are seriously devoid of is time for small yet important things. A popular instance is our tooth itself. They are most of the time overlooked yet one of the most crucial things in our entire body.They are relentless in their hard work, for example, biting, chewing,…

How does smoking affect your teeth?

You may have heard slogans and seen various campaigns about “quit smoking and defeat cancer”, all explaining the fact that how fatal smoking is to our health or lungs. However, the effects of smoking start with your mouth. Tobacco usage in any form can cause substantial harm to your mouth. Everyone is pretty much aware…

How Dental Problem is linked with Other Diseases

You might be astounded to learn that the advantages of excellent oral hygiene extend well beyond your mouth. In reality, the condition of your teeth and gums has a significant influence on your general health, medical bills, and quality of living. Years ago, if a doctor suspected heart trouble, he or she would not likely…
dental fillings

Dental Fillings: Materials, Types, Sensitivity and Allergy Issues

Dental fillings are used to replace lost tooth structure that has occurred as a consequence of disease or damage. The decay of a tooth causes it to become hollow. Dental fillings are for sealing this gap and keeping it from decaying further. Fillings are also used to restore fractured or cracked teeth, as well as…
dentlal facts

20 Dental / Oral Facts 2022

Our teeth are magnificent and one-of-a-kind. There is always something fresh to learn and uncover. The hardest material in the human body is teeth. Teeth, unlike bone, do not regrow after they are gone. As a result, make every possible effort to preserve them and keep them healthy and in good form, for your teeth…

What is Restorative Dentistry

Any dental operation that restores or replaces a tooth is referred to as restorative dentistry. Cavity fillings, root canals, and even dental implants are all examples of restorative treatments. This has two goals: restoring the function of the teeth and restoring the aesthetics of the teeth. It's either one or the other in certain circumstances,…

15 Facts on Root Canal Treatment

Endodontic therapy, commonly known as root canal therapy, is a dental procedure that removes the infection from the core area or inside of a specific tooth. It can also help to prevent the tooth from infection in the long term. The concept of root canal treatment A "root canal" is rather a component of a…


As you know, a healthy lifestyle is equivalent to following a balanced diet rich in all six nutrients namely proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and roughage necessary for our growth and development. It’s not only about being concerned about your physical health but also about consuming what is beneficial for our body and its overall…


While brushing through dental terminology and oral hygiene, we often come across questions like how frequently could we brush our teeth, how exactly are we benefitted through it or how could flossing be done correctly without troubling our teeth? On deep diving through this blog, you would possibly have an appropriate answer to all your…
what is periodontal disease

What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal diseases are not an unusual form of the disease. Almost 47.2 percent of adults in the age group of thirty years and above have some form of such kind of diease. What’s interesting about this disease is that it increases with age. 70.1% of adults around the age group of sixty-five years and…

Top Teeth Whitening Methods

Teeth whitening is a gift, for everyone loves to see whte shiny teeth. A person is always in his or her most beautiful self when he or she smiles. And your dazzling teeth are just like those attractive cherries on the top of a delicious cake. Now you must be thinking that not everyone…

What do the early stages of mouth cancer look like?

Cancer might be a single word but it actually covers a broad concept. It illustrates the disease that takes place when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells. In this article we shall discuss what the early stages of mouth cancer looks like. Till date, there’s no cure for this disease…

How to make teeth stronger?

A healthy smile comprising healthy teeth and gums reflects the overall health of our bodies. A good dental hygiene routine and regular flossing are excellent ways to keep teeth healthy, but this is only the beginning. Proper nutrition and diet are the main ways to make teeth stronger. When you are the proud owner…

How often should you go to the dentist?

The mouth is the gateway to our health and wellbeing acting in the form of food intake and teeth are the most important tools it uses to grind the solid ones before they are sent to the intestine making them easier to digest. Hence maintaining healthy oral health is of paramount importance and no…

Invisalign VS Braces

Invisalign VS Braces Explained Braces or Invisalign? When the question is about making the right choice, the work might be even harder than it seems. “Which one is better and efficient? Which would be more cost-effective?” are the questions that inevitably cross our minds while we go through the process of settling with the one…
How much does Invisalign cost in Australia?

How much does Invisalign cost in Australia?

How much does Invisalign cost in Australia? Did you ever wonder what cost does Invisalign might be in Australia? Over time people are growing more and more conscious about their appearance and especially the smile, as it is one of the most dominant features of their appearance, and since they had stopped taking their looks…

What is the difference between Porcelain veneers and crown?

What is the difference between Porcelain veneers and crown Crowns and veneers are two different types of dental restorations. They work by covering an existing tooth with a covering to improve its appearance or function. The fundamental distinction between a veneer and a crown is – The amount of original tooth that is removed…

Are porcelain veneers ok for my teeth?

Are Porcelain Veneers okay for my Teeth Porcelain veneers and its importance Just like a good resume or a memorable business card draws you special attention your sparkling flawless smile is of no less importance. In fact, a perfect smile makes your first impression as the most lasting impression. There are many individuals who…

How to encourage my child for brushing?

How To Encourage Your Children To Brush Are your children avoiding brushing? Are they trying to flee after seeing their toothbrush? Making your kids brush their teeth can be a difficult proposition. Even two minutes of waste of fun might make your child feel depressed. If your youngster is disdainful of teeth cleaning, there…

When should I take my child for first visit to dentist?

First Dental Visit for Your Child – Fact Sheet When should you take your child for their first visit to the dentist? It is when they celebrate their first birthday or grow their first tooth. Experts suggest that the optimal timing for this initial visit might be earlier than you think. You can take…

Why should I get my tooth filled?

Why should I get my tooth filled? The mouth is the gateway through which the body receives nourishment via foods and keeps the human body alive and healthy. It is equipped with a formidable mechanism of initial processing of solid foods by chewing and grinding performed by none other than the teeth. Henceforth, teeth…

What should I do for Teeth Sensitivity?

What is a Sensitive Teeth? Did you ever encounter any pain or discomfort while having a bite of your favourite ice cream or a sip on that delicious frothy cappuccino? If yes, then you are not alone on that list. Discomfort caused by cold or hot food may also be a sign of dental…

Is Sugar bad for teeth?

Sugar and Decaying Teeth You may be aware that your dentist doesn't like too much sweet, and that's probably because sugar creates cavities. But that's not the truth in its entirety. Here, we're going to discuss why sugar is so bad for your teeth. With dental decay, the most common ailment among people today,…

Should I Be Having Pain After Extraction?

Is there Pain After Extraction We always try to save natural teeth, and that is what you would prefer as well, but sometimes extraction may be the only possible option. A dental extraction is the removal of a tooth from the mouth. It is performed for multiple reasons like: Tooth decay involving the infection…

8 Dental Myths Demystified

8 Dental Myths Demystified Myth 1 - White teeth are healthier than yellow teeth Everyone wants a white and bright smile. It is aesthetically pleasing to have whiter teeth however whiter teeth are not necessarily healthier than yellow teeth. If teeth do not have decay and gums are healthy then despite the colour, your teeth…

What is TMJ disorder?

What is TMJ disorder? Do you have pain in your jaw or the side of your face? Do you have difficulty in opening your mouth or eating? You could be suffering from TMJ disorder or temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome. This is the most common temporomandibular disorder and presents with symptoms of pain, restricted jaw…

Do I Have A Cracked Tooth?

Symptoms you might expericen should you have a cracked tooth The best treatment for a suspected cracked tooth is to have it checked by your dentist as soon as possible. The following are some of the signs which can help to detect a cracked tooth: • Sharp pain on biting, (especially on release or opening)…

What should I expect after new dentures?

6 things to expect after new dentures So, you have received your new set of dentures to replace your missing teeth or are planning to have one. If this is your first full denture, there are few things you should keep in mind when you will start using the new denture. There are two ways…

When do you need bleeding gums treatment?

When would you need a bleeding gums treatment? Bleeding gums are something numerous individuals notice when they brush their teeth overwhelmingly or when they floss. Although it seems normal to many people, it can be an indication of several gum and other health problems because of the fact that healthy gums generally don’t bleed. In…

10 Foods that are Damaging your Teeth

What are the 10 Foods Damaging your Teeth? Getting the proper nutrition to keep your body healthy is something that many of us strive for each and every day. But do we ever give a thought of “What’s healthy for our teeth”? Do we ever stop and think, “Hold on, don’t have that, it eats…

Top 10 Tips on Having Healthy Teeth

10 Tips to Keep Teeth Healthy The only way to have a great smile is with proper oral hygiene and good dietary habits. Here are some tips to help you keep or get that beautiful, bright smile.  Learn to Brush the Right Way It should normally take two minutes to brush each time. You should…

What is Teeth Whitening?

What is teeth whitening? Despite brushing or cleaning your teeth every day, you may notice your smile begins to lose its shine with the passage of time. Though proper oral hygiene can go a long way in preventing stains; regular intake of several foods, medications, coffee, tea, etc. can contribute to your teeth yellowing…

10 Tips for Your Child’s First Dental Visit

10 Tips for Your Child's First Dental Visit It is not uncommon for children to have toothaches and many times, it is stressful for both the child and the parents to deal with. Taking children to the dentist can be stressful as parents prepare themselves for their tears and tantrums but it does not have…

Can I pay off my dental bills?

Having to pay a large dental bill can be very frustrating and stressful for many people on a low, middle or fixed income. While many people save money to cover medical expenses, dental work often isn't included in those savings; which puts dental health at the backbench. This further leads to worsening of the situation…

Why does my mouth feel dry all the time?

Why does my mouth feel dry all the time? We often hear this question asked by a lot of people. Your once well moist mouth suddenly decides to go completely dry and you are left helpless with no idea what to do. Dry mouth is a condition commonly referred to as XEROSTOMIA in the medical…

Is it important to replace missing teeth?

The simple answer to this question is “YES”. Perhaps the more important question to ask is: ‘Why it is important to replace missing teeth?’ The body, as we have been led to believe, is more than the sum of its parts and all parts must function properly for the body to thrive. This is true…

7 Things that Can Be Harmful to your Teeth

7 Things that Can Be Harmful to your Teeth USING YOUR TEETH AS CUTTERS TO TEAR PLASTIC WRAPS, OR PACKAGING TAPES; NAIL-HOLDERS, OR EVEN HABITS OF NAIL-BITING. Self-reliance is a good virtue, but not when it comes to our teeth. We might feel untouchable and cool, tearing packaging tapes without using scissors. Teeth are like…

Which filling should I choose for my tooth?

Which filling should I choose for my tooth?   This is not an uncommon question which most of us have to answer when we visit a dentist. With dentistry evolving at such a high pace and with so many technological advances in dentistry, we have more and more options available now. Although it is hard…

Do I need to see the dentist twice a year?

It’s highly recommended to visit your dentist twice a year. Is there a logic behind it? Why is it recommended to go to the dentist twice a year?  Six monthly checkups are recommended to the majority of the population, but  it can be more or less frequent depending on multiple factors, such as, oral hygiene,…

Is it Necessary to have Emergency Tooth Extraction?

My dentist has advised an emergency tooth extraction. How could I avoid it? Do you have an achy tooth?  Your tooth, as well as gum, can cause severe pain, which must not be avoided or taken for granted. Rather, immediate treatment or medical assistance is required. You should not falter in communicating with your dentist.  …

Can teeth get worse during or after pregnancy?

There is an old saying that you should expect to lose a tooth for every baby born which is more a myth than the truth. Women generally complain that the baby has taken calcium from their teeth and has caused holes in the teeth. This is not true. Although there can be problems for teeth…

Compliance with Teeth Brushing

Whenever we visit a dentist, we know that the dentist will usually ask “How often do you brush your teeth?”

For some people, it is an easy honest answer which is ‘twice daily (or more)’. For these people, oral hygiene is an unbreakable routine, something they rarely skip, only during particularly dire times or emergencies.

What can cause teeth grinding?

  Most people clench and/or grind their teeth unconsciously during the day or in their sleep which is medically known Bruxism. Mild bruxism may not require treatment. However, in some people, bruxism can be frequent and severe enough to lead to jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth and other problems. WHY DO PEOPLE GRIND THEIR TEETH?…
Children smiling showing teeth

FREE Workshop For Kids As Well As Their Parents

As per the surveys, 9/10 kids are suffering from dental problems in Australia. Moreover, the consumption of chocolates and soft drinks are also reaching heights. In today’s time, it becomes a major problem that could not be ignored. In order to offer the solution of the same, “Smile Craft Dental” is coming up with the…
Family with a good dentist

Travelling Teeth: How do I Maintain Good Oral Hygiene while I travel?

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