Not all of us are comfortable with the idea of replacing a missing tooth. Some of us want to leave it alone, fearing lifelong inconveniences that might come with artificial dentures. Even some of our ancestors have lived their lives without replacing their missing tooth. Teeth can go missing for various reasons, at any point of time. Our ancestors probably lacked the awareness that was necessary for them to know about replacing a missing tooth. With the growing awareness about dental care and hygiene, and oral health, people are finding out more about artificial dentures and other related things that can be done to replace a missing tooth.
Functions of the teeth
Teeth have multiple roles and functions in the body. They enable the person to eat, speak clearly, smile and give a proper shape to your face. Each type of tooth inside the mouth has specific name and are designed to have specific functions.
The number of teeth and the types change with age. There are two types of sets of teeth that can be found inside the human mouth- primary or baby teeth, and permanent or adult teeth.
Incisors are sharpest teeth in front that get exposed upon opening our mouths. They are meant to bite and cut the food into smaller pieces. They have a very small area to cross section with the food and are also called anterior teeth.
Both children and adults have 8 incisors, 4 centrally located, and two on each low facing each other in the set.
Canines are designed to be sharp, pointed and are located next to the incisors. They tend to look like fangs on both sides of the incisors. These are the longest and they tear through the food (mostly meat or flesh)
Both children and adult have four canines. Children develop their canines between the ages of 9-12 years age. The canines on the lower jaw tend to develop faster than the ones on the upper jaw.
Premolars are broader than incisors and canines. They are designed to have groves and ridges, help to break, chew and grind the food particles. Adults ideally should have 8 premolars. Children don’t have premolars. They develop premolars with their permanent teeth with age.
Molars are the biggest of the lot. They are large, flat, and have groves and ridges at the end. Like Molars, they are also designed to break, grind and chew the food. Adults are known to have 12 permanent molars, 6 on each jaw.
These last molars that develop are called wisdom teeth. Many people do not have a completely developed set of molars. Molars usually develop around the age of 17-21 years old.
Molars that develop unusually often have to be uprooted because they tend to grow sideways disturbing the overall setting of the teeth and gums. People these days visit the dentist to get their badly developed molars uprooted to save themselves some pain.
Wisdom teeth can also cause tooth decay or pain, inflammation or infection. They practically don’t have any role in chewing the food. They are also comparatively difficult to clean because of their positioning.
Why Should You Consider Filling The Blank Space?
When we begin to lose our teeth, they neighboring tissues and jawbone begin to resorb and resorb with time. This damages the spacing order of your teeth, as they begin to shift to fill in the blanks. This process is capable of causing unfathomable problems. Interestingly, this is not new and has happened before to our ancestors. As mentioned before, they were neither aware of the problems that a lost teeth can bring in, nor did they have an easy access to dentists as we have now. They were primarily dependent on home remedies to take care of their teeth and were not aware of the importance of the dentist. Dentists today, emphasize on replacing a missing teeth or filling the gap to maintain a good overall dental health.
Isn’t Replacing Teeth Expensive?
The expenses completely depend on the number of teeth you’ve lost and the type of replacements to choose to get. If you’re looking for replacements that are permanent in nature, they can cost you a little on the higher side, even if you’re covered under a dental plan. Thankfully, there aren’t any dearth of available options. If the number of teeth that you’ve lost are less, you can easily find semi-permanent options that are also pocket friendly. Again, if you’ve to get a completely new set of teeth, you can discuss the slightly affordable options with you dentist. He would be the best person to know about your denture requirements. Having a full set of teeth not only enhances your digestion, but also enhances your confidence to flash out the sweetest grin.
What in God’s Name Are Dentures?
The name “dentures” can scare, perplex or confuse the best of us. Especially the ones who would be hearing it for the first time. Dentures are removable structures or appliances that are designed to replace your natural teeth, fill the gaps, and restore your smile. If you’ve lost your teeth to a gum disease, injury, tooth decay or any other reason, dentures will help you get your whole set back, and add to your health and appearance. Dentures will also enable you to speak freely and eat without any pain or inconvenience.
Your facial muscles begins to lose its elasticity with the increase in number of teeth. You tend to look older than you actually are. Dentures are designed to prevent that from happening, they are designed to resemble your natural teeth and try to not make changes in your appearance. They also enhance your smile and the way you speak.
How comfortable are they?
No foreign or new structure is going to feel comfortable in your mouth until you are accustomed to it. Dentures, by virtue of being new to the space inside your mouth, might feel slightly uncomfortable while your tongue learns to not play with it. You can experience mild irritation, soreness or even extra production of saliva. It will take time to process the foreign body as a part of your mouth. However, if the irritation persists, please follow up with your dentist.
All kinds of dentures need proper and specialized dental health and oral hygiene routine, partial and full dentures alike. You cannot overlook a proper dental care routine- brushing or massaging your gums, flossing etc. taking your dentures out, if possible, to clean it properly. Artificial dentures accumulate all the food particles when needs regular and thorough cleaning. Using a soft-bristled tooth brush or using your finger to massage the gums before interesting the dentures can also prove beneficial in removing plaque build-up.
Where Can You Get the Dentures from?
Mouth guards and dentures are two completely different products. If you’re looking for dentures or mouth guards, might we suggest you to visit Smile Craft? For either partial or complete dentures or other associated appliances to enhance your dazzling smile. The dentists can help you find your perfect fitting dentures, and you won’t have to live a life with incomplete smile like our ancestors. Our qualified experts will assist you to find your perfect dental fit.
Getting a new set of dentures can be intimidating, but not with the right assistance from our expert dentists and professionals.