Pollution cannot always be viewed with naked eyes, particularly air pollution, but it is already there containing all carcinogenic agents. According to researchers at World Health Organization (WHO), pollution in the air is responsible for causing strokes, heart disease, lung disease, asthma attacks in people. Asthma has become very common nowadays owing to pollution in the air.
Air pollution can cause more damage than can be viewed with naked eyes. Many of us are not aware of the fact that pollution causes dental problems, which can affect the gum and tooth enamel. Pollution is cities is greater than rural areas, because of the number of vehicles and factories surrounding the city areas. Also rapid urbanization has also led to cutting down of trees in these areas, which has further aggravated the problem of pollution in cities.
Certain tooth problems such as tooth brittleness, enamel erosion, oral cancer, and inflammation of the gums are some of the problems that can occur as a result of pollution. Dental and tooth problems are often not the result of bad eating habits and improper dental hygiene. Many a times external factors are responsible for many diseases rather than internal factors.
Sources Of Pollution
There are various sources of pollution that has serious implications for you and your loved ones. Let us look at them:-
#1. Burning of fossil fuels.
#2. Emission from industries.
#3. Transportation.
#4. Burning of decayed waste.
#5. Indoor Air Pollution.
#6. Construction and Demolition.
Pollution And Dental Health
Smoking is still the leading cause of oral cancer. It is far easier to quit smoking than to move out of the city you love and live in an isolated place. Smoking also leads to air pollution. Surprisingly, oral cancer not only happens to smokers but also to non-smokers. Best is to get regular dental checkups done to avoid diseases. As far as pollution is concerned we can hardly avoid it totally. But we can certainly be careful and make certain lifestyle changes to accommodate with it.
Exposure to pollution, particularly for pregnant women is very hazardous and can affect the child health significantly. Although it is not always possible to change the place for the pregnant woman, it is possible to adopt safety measures to cope with the toxic air outside.
Now-a-days, most apartments have swimming pools in their campuses. The water in the pools contain chlorine, which acts as a purifying agent. But at the same time, chlorine is very harmful for health, particularly tooth. It leads to tooth chipping and can even lead to destruction of nail enamel.
Sometimes acidic gases are released into the air, through industrial fumes and burning of wastes. The remains of such gases are present in the air, and humans inhale it. Just the way rocks erode as they come in contact with waves, the teeth in our mouth can also be equally damaged by constant acid washes and harmful chemicals. Cold drinks or carbonated drinks for e.g are very harmful for our teeth Due to the consumption of cold drinks or carbonated drinks, the protective tooth enamel is attacked and sometimes completely removed by acids until the sensitive dentin is exposed, causing pain and more serious dental issues, that can become very serious in the future. Hence, carbonated drinks can be considered as pollutants for teeth, that affects the teeth, gums, enamel adversely.
The important factor to remember is that unfortunately, tooth erosion can only be prevented and protective actions can be taken, but once it has happened, it cannot reversed, but only treated. Just as we cannot protect ourselves totally from pollution, but we can only follow certain steps, and take certain precautions. The reason why tooth health and oral health is given so much importance is that, tooth treatments are very painful and our mouth is the core of our entire body. It is through our mouth that food enters our body and we get the supply of essential nutrients in our body.
It’s very important to actively prevent the breakdown of tooth enamel by brushing your teeth regularly and by eating more consciously. Although they are not fool proof methods to prevent tooth damage completely, but these are certainly, protective measures that can be followed on an everyday basis, without taking much hassle. Additionally, if your diet is too high in acidic content, it may play a significant role in the active erosion of tooth enamel.
What Is Heavy Metal Poisoning?
Heavy metals like chlorine, lead, and mercury are found in water, food, air and atmosphere. It is very common for smokers to inhale heavy metals, along with each and every cigarette smoked, on an everyday basis. The nicotine that is present in high amount in cigarettes causes receding gums such that the gums begin pulling away from your teeth. Nicotine also causes discoloration of gums. Smoking also makes your mouth and throat especially prone to inflammation, which can be painful and lead to bleeding gums, gingivitis, and bone loss.
Heavy metals also makes the mouth dry, which leads to reduction in saliva production. Reduction in saliva production, increases the chances of infection in the mouth.
What Is Fluoride Poisoning?
Although fluoride is an essential component that protects teeth, overexposure to fluoride can cause tooth discoloration and decay at the same time. The tooth decay caused due to excessive use of fluoride may lead to chipping of the tooth into pieces or total fall out.
Doctors or dentists often prescribe fluoride mouthwash and toothpaste for healthy tooth and mouth, but excessive use of a good thing can be equally dangerous.
Environmental Pollution and Tooth Decay
Environmental pollution results from the contamination of air, water, soil with various dioxins. Our tooth is made up of a hard substance called dentin, but the dentin present in our tooth, may react with certain chemicals present in the soil, air and water and lead to corrosion of the tooth and the tooth enamel.
If pregnant women are exposed to environmental pollution, it might harm their child in the future with a lesser number of teeth, weak teeth and gums, gums prone to easy bruising and inflammation etc.
Tooth are quite susceptible to pollutants, and can become easily weak and brittle. Dioxins present in air, water and soil can cause accumulation of iron, on our teeth that can cause discoloration of tooth and develop a yellowish or brown layer on the tooth.
How To Prevent Tooth And Our Body From Pollution
Pollution is inevitable and will always be present around us. The only option that we are left with is to protect and prevent ourselves from the pollution that surrounds us, so that it cannot put an adverse effect on us. There are some ways with which we can prevent the pollution around us. Let us look at them:-
#1. Planting indoor plants: – Indoor plants purify the air inside the house, leading to higher oxygen content that detoxifies the air surrounding us. Additionally, indoor plants are also a cheaper option that is easily available and can be easily afforded by all. Inhaling purified oxygen is good for our body, and our lungs, and also helps us get relieved from bad breath.
#2. Maintain Calcium intake: – Our teeth are made up of calcium. Our regular calcium intake is very essential for maintaining healthy teeth. We should always consume a diet rich in calcium.
#3. Consume Vitamin D: – Vitamin D allows calcium to get absorbed by our body. Sun rays has vitamin D. Exposure to sun is the healthiest practice to follow. Additionally, all yellow and orange fruits and vegetables contain vitamin D.
#4. Increase your water intake: – Water releases toxins from the body. Water intake relieves us of many diseases. It cleanses our system. Also water intake increases saliva production in the mouth, which is a natural antiseptic for our body. Water also flushes out harmful bacteria accumulated in our mouth.
But the most important thing to keep in mind while consuming water is that, the water should be pure and not contaminated with heavy metals, because contaminated water can have adverse effects on the body rather than helping the body.
#5. Check with your dentist: – Just like a full body checkup is essential once or twice a year, similarly dental checkups at frequent intervals must be undertaken to keep your mouth free from bacteria, cavities and plaque. Your dentist may exactly understand the nature of your dental problem and suggest effective remedies to resolve the same.
Since we cannot totally avoid pollution, we can at our best take precautionary and preventive measures to help ourselves.
#6. Avoid consuming junk foods: – Junk foods are rich in monosaturated fats and salt content. They are harmful to our bodies and sweet foods are also harmful to our teeth. Constantly washing your tooth with sugary candies can lead to the accumulation of unhealthy bacteria, and cavities.
#7. Use organic toothpaste:- Use toothpaste that contains natural ingredients and are organic. Using chemical toothpaste may corrode the tooth enamel, and expose the dentin causing pain. Organic toothpaste preserves gum health and maintains oral hygiene.