Gum diseases are serious enough to harm overall oral health. When left untreated this can affect jaw bone, mouth ligaments, and connective tissues in the mouth. Gum diseases are common across the world. It affects many out there. In addition, plaque development leads to gingivitis or gum inflammation.
Gingivitis is a serious oral disease that eventually transforms into periodontitis, an inflammatory disease. Periodontitis is a destructive oral illness. It can cause serious damage to teeth and oral tissues.
There are many reasons for gingivitis. Poor oral health is the key reason for which these types of diseases take place. Smoking is another reason which can lead to periodontitis. In addition to this, age, health condition, and other reasons like genetics may play a big role in this. Therefore, to prevent oral disease, you need to give up smoking and pay attention to your oral health.
While regular visits to dentists, brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash help in maintaining oral health, you must supplement your oral care with vitamin intake as well. If you can maintain a balanced diet that excludes sugary treats, and soft drinks and eat healthy food, you will be able to keep oral conditions like gingivitis and periodontitis at bay without effort. In this article, you will get an idea about Vitamins that are good for oral health.
Vitamin D
It is an important Vitamin for teeth. Vitamin D works wonders when it comes to protecting oral health. This vitamin helps in calcium consumption. It also boosts the mineral density of bones. Therefore, it is important to consume vitamin D to improve oral health by boosting calcium consumption. Those who consume calcium and food loaded with nutrients, will not get many benefits from them without vitamin D consumption. If you don’t take vitamin D, your balanced diet will be incomplete and your oral health will not get nourishment.
Sun exposure provides vitamins. However, if you want to avoid the sun for some reason, you can eat fatty fish to boost your vitamin D intake. Canned tuna fish and mushrooms possess vitamin D. Therefore, you can consume these if you want to keep Vitamin D in your diet.
Vitamin K
It is an essential vitamin that works really well in protecting teeth, and gum, and improving oral health. This vitamin works like a protective shield. Vitamin K shields teeth and gum from getting affected by harmful substances. There are too many substances that break teeth down and damage the gum. Vitamin K keeps those substances away and prevents oral diseases from commencing. It also promotes bone-supporting protein. Vitamin K works for overall health. A deficiency can cause the body to bleed. Therefore, it becomes essential to consume Vitamin K. Green veggies are the best sources of this vitamin. The more leafy veggies you consume, the better will be your vitamin K intake.
Sprouts, broccoli, and parsley possess vitamin K. Therefore, remember to include these in your diet plan and consume these daily to keep your mouth and teeth healthy.
Vitamin C
If you need gum strengthening, vitamin C is the one to opt for. This vitamin keeps gum strong. It also provides strength to your dental tissues. Regular consumption of vitamin C prevents oral diseases like gingivitis, and teeth loss.
Citrus fruits are the best sources of Vitamin C. However, you can find vitamin C in potatoes as well. Some green veggies possess vitamin C. For this reason, when you are making your diet plan, be sure to include these in your diet chart.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is famous for providing good eyesight. However, what most don’t know is – this vitamin can work like wonder when it comes to improving oral health. A dry mouth is the cause of many dental diseases. Therefore, you need to consume something to keep your mouth moisturized. Vitamin A works to keep the saliva-releasing gum active. If you consume Vitamin A regularly, your saliva-releasing gum will remain active and your mouth will be moisturized. It prevents dry mouth and at the same time, it prevents gum disease. Therefore, as you are creating your diet chart to promote good oral health, you should be mindful to include Vitamin A in your diet chart.
If you really want strong teeth and healthy gum, you must include vitamin A in your diet chart. Egg yolk is loaded with vitamin A. In addition to this, fish and liver are the other sources of Vitamin A. Among veggies, spinach, and kale possess Vitamin A. You must include these two in your diet chart as well. Fruits with orange color are the other sources of Vitamin A. Therefore, eating pumpkins, or apricot will help you get vitamin A. Carrot is another veggie that you can eat if you want to consume vitamin A for dental health.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B3 and B2 are the vitamins that you can consume if you want to stay away from gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Regular consumption of B3 and B2 protects teeth and makes them healthy by keeping inflammation away. If you are not sure where to find vitamin B, you will be delighted to know that almond is a great source of this vitamin. So, you can use almonds for snacking and munch on a few almonds to keep your vitamin B intake sufficient. In addition to this, red meat and spinach are the other sources of vitamin B. You can eat these to amplify your vitamin intake and protect your teeth from getting affected by harmful elements like viruses and bacteria.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents oral inflammation from taking place. In addition, it can cure gum swelling as well. Therefore, you need to consume Vitamin E, if you want to improve your oral health and prevent oral diseases from taking place. Any vegetable oil contains vitamin E. In addition to this, nuts and fishes include vitamin C as well. Therefore, you can include these in your diet chart to amplify your oral health.
Other Supplements for Better Oral Health
Calcium is famous for improving bone health. Therefore, calcium will be great for teeth as well. If you want to keep your teeth healthy and strong, you need to consume supplements that make teeth strong and gum healthy. For this reason, you need to incorporate calcium into your diet chart. If you don’t consume enough calcium, the body will strip off minerals from your teeth and bones. Therefore, if you want to prevent bone or teeth damage, you need to find a way to consume calcium as much as possible. Almonds are great sources of calcium. You need to consume almonds if you want to make your teeth strong. In addition to this, you must eat green veggies. Leafy veggies are amazing sources of calcium. You must include these in your diet chart if you want healthy gum and strong teeth. Sardines possess a generous amount of calcium. You can consume sardines to fulfill calcium deficiency. Also, dietary products like milk and curd can also provide calcium. So, you should prepare your diet chart keeping in mind these sources and include these in your daily diet for healthy gum and strong teeth.
Potassium is an essential element that keeps teeth healthy. If you want strong teeth, you need to consume potassium daily. Potassium strengthens bone density. In addition, potassium prevents blood from becoming acidic. It helps in preventing health issues. If you want to incorporate potassium into your diet chart, you need to consume food that possesses potassium. You will get a healthy amount of potassium from bananas. However, if you don’t like bananas, you can consume other foods to ensure sufficient potassium intake. Tomatoes are good sources of potassium. You can consume tomatoes to give your body the required amount of potassium. Sweet potatoes and potatoes are great sources of potassium. In addition, avocado can be a great addition to your diet, if you want an extra dose of potassium to your diet chart.
To absorb calcium completely, you need more than just vitamin D. Phosphorus is another element that you need to make your teeth strong and gum healthy. Therefore, if you want healthy teeth, you need to combine phosphorus with calcium and include them in your diet chart together.
In case you don’t know, a large number of foods possess phosphorus. Therefore, you will not have to worry about not being able to find phosphorus-loaded foods. Seafood is the best and most well-known source of phosphorus. If you can include tuna, sardines, shrimp, and salmon in your diet chart, you will be able to get enough phosphorus to keep your teeth and gum healthy. Those who want to consume phosphorus from plants can opt for soybeans and pumpkins. Regular intake of these foods will help you get enough phosphorus.
Although people don’t speak about it a lot, iron is an essential part of healthy teeth and mouth. If your body lacks iron, you will lose the ability to fight germs and infections. Therefore, to fight gingivitis and periodontitis, you need to consume, bread, eggs, and cereals.