Your child’s teeth have a lot to say that you might not know. You might be unaware of the fact that your baby’s teeth themselves are a riddle and have got many hidden facts within them. When a child’s teeth start to sprout out, many parents notice this as a joyous milestone in their child’s growth and development. A child’s teeth have got a much more important role to play. Surely, they will fall out at one point in life, but there is still a requirement. Taking care of your child’s milk teeth is extremely important, and they are equally important as permanent teeth.
A child’s teeth, start growing before birth and they serve a huge role in our lives as we grow older. No matter our age, baby or adult or teeth play a very important role in our lives. A child’s teeth start to sprout out at six or seven months of age. Typically, all 20 baby teeth arrive by the age of 3. Those little pearly crows have quite an impact on your child’s teeth. This article is all about your child’s teeth and some interesting and helpful facts related to teeth.
As mentioned earlier that your child’s teeth have got a lot to say, there are several facts that all mothers need to know about their child’s teeth that might amaze them! All the mothers out there need to know the facts about their child’s teeth, so that they can take care of them and keep them healthy and strong throughout childhood.
Tooth enamel is the hardest substance but requires extra care:
The tooth’s enamel is that shiny and white stuff that covers the teeth, this substance is stronger than bone. Though this is the hardest substance in your body, this substance has the highest amount of minerals in comparison to any other tissue in your body.
The main mineral is called hydroxyapatite, or crystalline calcium phosphate. Though your teeth might be strong, unlike any other tissues of your body, they do have the capacity to repair on their own. Hence it is extremely important to take care of your oral health, as well as your teeth.
Your teeth have an important role to play in your life, for chewing, speaking, and smiling. You need to take extra care of the tooth enamel and forbid your child from consuming excessive chocolates and sugary foods. You need to take care of your child’s teeth so that they do not suffer and this could be done by making sure that they drink plenty of water, and maintain good oral hygiene.
A child’s teeth cause teething pains:
Sprouting of the first milk teeth in the baby is always a joyous moment for every parent. The first teeth appear in your child’s mouth only by pushing through the gum tissue. This entire process can be a highly upsetting time for your child as they might suffer pain.
Teething comes with a certain amount of irritability, crying, drooling, ear pulling, swelling of the gums or lips, and an obsessive urge to chew on certain things. You can ease your child’s tooth pain by letting your child gum a chilled washcloth, cold foods, teething biscuits, or a rubber teething ring. Your child’s pain can easily create a situation in your mind, and poke like a dagger in your heart.
In this situation, don’t try applying a teething gel to your baby’s gums or give your baby a pain-relieving medication. Before doing any kind of medication you need first ask your pediatric dentist about potential risks and side effects that your child might suffer with.
Your child’s teeth require the same care as the permanent teeth:
It is not something new, that your child’s milk tooth will eventually fall out after a certain age, and will get replaced with a permanent set of teeth. Till then you should not take any step that in turn results in disintegrating your child’s oral hygiene. Your little one’s teeth can easily suffer from cavities, as children’s teeth are more prone to have cavities due to the excessive consumption of chocolates. Cavities can cause immeasurable pain and they can also lead to several bacteria flowing down your child’s gums and bloodstream.
You should know that a cavity that forms on your child’s teeth can also cause trouble with the permanent set of teeth. Bacteria caused due to dental infection can easily get spread from the tooth to the gums and the jawbone tissues, causing severe pain problems. From there the infection might invade the permanent set of teeth.
Hence following proper dental hygiene is extremely required, brushing your child’s tooth with a soft-bristled brush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is essentially required to maintain proper dental hygiene.
There are 20 milk teeth, but a permanent set of teeth has 32:
This is one of the interesting facts about your teeth. Many people do not often realize but when those permanent teeth sprouts we end up getting a few extra ones. Firstly the permanent molars sprouts out between the age of six and seven, they sprout into a space and they aren’t replaced by milk teeth. The same happens in the case of permanent second molars, which mostly sprout at the age of 12 or 13.
At this point, your child is going to have 28 teeth. Well, the last permanent teeth are the wisdom teeth, usually appearing during the late teen years or early adult years.
A proper quantity of nutrition is required for your baby’s teeth:
Your child’s smile is an essential thing, and to maintain this sparkling smile a proper set of nutrition is required. For maintaining your child’s smile it is equally important to follow a proper and healthy diet. For maintenance of the proper oral health, you need to include fiber, fruits, vegetables, and nutrients in your child’s diet. For healthy teeth, you should always keep in mind that your child eats a proper amount of dairy products as they contain calcium and magnesium.
Thumb sucking is a harmful thing for your child’s teeth:
Most babies get their nourishment from a bottle without experiencing any kind of dental issues. However, you need to keep one thing in mind any sugary beverage leads to the promotion of tooth decay, this situation even takes place in a baby’s teeth though the teeth might just have sprouted.
Breast milk and formula too can lead to the accumulation of plaque, and hence you need to wipe your baby’s mouth with sterile gauze after bottle feedings for preventing any kind of dental problems.
While Thumb-sucking is also a matter of concern. There are many children you will find sucking their thumbs during the early years of their life. If they end up continuing with this behavior after their permanent set of teeth starts to sprout out, then those teeth might end up losing their normal alignment and this also creates biting problems.
You need to also keep a close eye on your child’s teeth regarding any signs of alignment problems and ask your dentist about any additional strategies which are worth considering.
The baby tooth might interfere while permanent tooth sprouts:
There is no doubt that a baby’s teeth start to fall out at a certain age, a child’s tooth tends to fall out too soon or too late and this can create interference in the development of the permanent teeth. Hence you need to be in contact with your dentist, to avoid any alignment problems and get corrected from preventing any larger issues.
A child’s teeth act as a spacer, which sets the stage for the permanent teeth to sprout out with proper positioning and alignment. A baby’s tooth falls out prematurely and this allows the surrounding baby teeth to drift out of position. A milk tooth that fails to fall out might cause the impaction of the permanent tooth behind it.
In such a situation, the dentist might suggest an orthodontic correction for any alignment errors that might stem from early baby tooth loss. If any stubborn baby tooth threatens the wellness and alignment of the permanent teeth, then your dentist might give a recommendation for the extraction of the baby tooth so that nature can take its normal course afterward.
Some of the interesting facts which you should know about the child’s teeth:
Your baby is not actually toothless at birth, while the truth is at the time of birth they are born with all 20 of their primary teeth in their jaw! However, you won’t see all of them until your child turns two-three years old.
Some baby’s teeth sprout with a strange-looking shape, but you should know that the teeth come in all types of shapes, and sizes. There is nothing harm in being unique!
As soon as the teeth start to sprout in your child’s mouth you need to sure that they follow all the required oral habits such as brushing and flossing to keep themselves at a bay from dental problems.
Drooling is very essential thing and it is a very good thing for the teeth. This helps in moistening the gums by reducing inflammation.