Invisalign is famous cosmetic dentistry that has gained immense popularity across the world. This is an effective treatment that cures a common teeth-related problem. If you have crooked teeth which affect the beauty of your smile, Invisalign might be the answer to your prayer. This wonder teeth treatment does not only correct the shape of teeth, but also improves oral health as well. For this reason, those who possess misaligned teeth and attempt to hide their smiles can go for this teeth treatment.
Invisalign – A Quick Discussion
There is a lot of confusion related to Invisalign. People usually mistake Invisalign with braces. They think that both are the same. However, this is not the case. Even though both of these work somewhat similarly, there are some significant differences between Invisalign and braces.
Invisalign is also known to some people as invisible braces. The key purpose of this teeth treatment, like braces, is to correct teeth crookedness. Invisalign is popular among adults because it looks better than braces. For this reason, adults opt for Invisalign rather than braces. Yet, whether you need braces or Invisalign, depends on the seriousness of your problem. For severely crooked teeth, Invisalign does not work well. In this case, you will have to opt for braces. Also, Invisalign is easy to wear and use. It does not cause cuts or serious discomfort.
The best thing about Invisalign is its ease of use. This user-friendly and comfortable teeth treatment tool is not demanding. You can lead your normal brushing and flossing routine, with this teeth aligner. All you have to do is take off the teeth aligner at the time of brushing. Once you have brushed your teeth and flossed them, you can wear the aligner back without much ceremony. It does not require a complex care process.
Invisalign users don’t have to avoid foods like nuts, or bagels like the braces wearers. Because teeth aligner users need to remove these at the time of eating, they don’t have to stay away from eating these foods.
The best thing about Invisalign is the lesser need for orthodontist clinic visits. You don’t need to visit the clinic more than once every six weeks. However, there are clinics that offer Invisalign treatment which does not need any clinic visit during the treatment at all. This aspect of Invisalign makes it too popular among people who need teeth shaping treatment. Even though Invisalign is not the right mode of treatment for everyone, it remains one of the most popular ones due to its various benefits.
Can You Wear Invisalign During Pregnancy
No one can deny that Invisalign is the modern generation’s teeth straightening treatment. Made from durable and high-quality plastic, Invisalign can straighten teeth without putting too much pressure on them. There is no doubt that this is a safe and reliable treatment for those who are experiencing teeth alignment-related problems. However, the question which arises here is – can women use Invisalign during pregnancy. Is it safe enough to cause no side effects at all? If you are pregnant, you must be wondering this.
In case, you are wondering whether Invisalign will be safe for your baby or not, you are not alone. Women who have already conceived or women who want to conceive go through the same state of confusion. The best way to find out is – to have a discussion with your dentist. It is better to go for a consultation because only your dentist will be able to tell you whether you can continue with the Invisalign treatment once you have conceived after doing a thorough checkup.
Usually, dentists don’t restrict women from going for Invisalign treatment during pregnancy. However, the scans and X-Rays need to be done before getting pregnant. In this case, the treatment will not affect the health of your baby. The treatment will not stress you either. Invisalign treatment does not need to use anesthesia. Therefore, you don’t have any reason to worry about Invisalign treatment. Yet, there are a few facts about Invisalign treatment that can cause some worry during pregnancy. These facts can make the treatment a little challenging for pregnant women. You need to know about these facts because the more information you gather about Invisalign treatment, the safer you will be during pregnancy.
Things to Remember About Invisalign Treatment during Pregnancy
You need to be careful about your teeth during pregnancy. Usually, teeth turn loose due to pregnancy hormone discharge. In this case, you will need orthodontic consultation. The pregnancy hormones affect teeth’s ability to respond to certain treatments. During this time, the gum may get swelled. For this reason, wearing Invisalign can become a big problem. Due to this reason, using Invisalign during pregnancy can get challenging.
Invisalign treatment tends to make teeth and gum sensitivity. The problem increases during pregnancy due to the hormone discharge. In addition, gum usually bleeds during this time. Therefore, using Invisalign turns out to be difficult.
The first phase of Invisalign treatment can be a little uncomfortable. This stretches during pregnancy, making using Invisalign challenging.
Morning sickness is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. During this time, women go through a vomiting tendency. For this reason, they will have to remove their Invisalign frequently. This causes problems in Invisalign treatment. For this reason, Invisalign treatment during pregnancy might be a challenge for some women. However, this does not cause any serious health-related problems.
Taking Care of Invisalign During Pregnancy
You need to take special care of your aligners when you are pregnant. It is to ensure safety and hygiene. You must make a routine of cleaning your aligners daily. You can use your toothpaste to clean the aligners for better performance.
It is important to be careful about the material you use to clean the aligners. Don’t use soap or detergent to clean your aligners. You need to make sure to rain the aligners thoroughly after removing them. Also, use a case to keep the aligners after you have clean them. If you want to use Invisalign during pregnancy, you should go for a regular checkup to make sure you are doing all right.
Lastly, even though Invisalign treatment is costly, it is the best treatment for slightly crooked teeth. The aligners are invisible and therefore hard to notice. You can use them during pregnancy if your doctor advises you to do so.