A beautiful and jovial smile is what everyone endeavors for, and a magnificent smile cherishes you from within to achieve new heights. Well, do you know that one cup of warm tea can not only energize you from within but is a beneficial thing for your teeth too? The periodic habit of drinking tea can be a fortunate and beneficial thing for your pearly crowns. Studies have proved that drinking one to three cups of tea on a regular basis, can help in keeping your teeth and oral health in a good state.
Though consuming tea can lead to cause stains on your teeth, as because it contains tannin. Tannin is a yellowish or brownish substance that is found in plants that give tea its color. Though consuming tea can cause stains, brushing the teeth or rinsing the mouth after drinking can help in the reduction of staining. Though adding an excessive amount of lemon, sugar, or honey to iced tea can also lead to corrosion in teeth and this can make your teeth more prone to cavities. Thus for health benefits, you should switch to an unsweetened or sugar-free tree.
You know that there are several benefits of tea for your health, but do you know that tea is really good for your oral health too, both green and black tea contains catechins, which are also known as antioxidants, which help in removing harmful bacteria from your mouth.
Tea can be so beneficial for your teeth, and it consists of thousand benefits in it, and it is the most beneficial drink after water. Tea is one such drink that also contains antioxidants such as catechins, flavonoids, and tannin-type substances, which possess anti-microbial effects. Today in this article I have discussed the benefits that tea can do to your oral health and to your teeth.
Drinking Tea Helps Your Gums and teeth:
Tea is a medicinal drink, as it consists of anti-inflammatory elements that help to control swelling, bleeding, and infections in the gums. Consuming tea not only reduces bad bacteria with good bacteria in your mouth, but it also helps in the prevention of gum inflammation. Not just that tea also helps in fighting against periodontal disease. Tea is one such drink, which not only rejuvenates you from within but also protects your teeth and gums from tooth and gums disease.
It Helps Preventing Cavities:
Cavities can easily lead to the dwindling of teeth, thus consuming tea on a regular basis can not only lead to the clearing of bacteria but also helps in lowering the acidic levels of saliva and plaque in your mouth. Acidic elements are the ones that eat away at the teeth and this leads to the creation of cavities. Tea helps in washing away this acidity, and it gets harder for cavities to form.
Tea Keeps Your Teeth In Your Mouth During Old Age:
Yes, you have read that right, tea not only helps in keeping your gums and teeth healthy but it also helps to keep your teeth from falling when you get older. Studies have proved that men and women who drink one or more cups of tea a day hold onto their natural teeth for a longer period of time.
Tea Improves Your Breath:
The cause of the bad breath is the growth of bacteria that takes place in the far back of your teeth, and it gets hard for your teeth to reach this place. Without proper care, the bacteria thrive to breed and thus this leads to a foul smell. The anti-oxidant property in tea helps in washing away and killing bacteria, thus it makes it easy for your breath to produce a fresh up smell all day long.
Prevention of Oral Cancer:
Antioxidants prepare the body to fight cellular damage and the growth of tumours. Hence when you drink tea you are pumping up your mouth with antioxidants that help in keeping your preventing your mouth from the development of cancers.
Antioxidants are one such thing that helps every part of the body to fight cellular damage and tumour growth. Hence when you drink tea you are preparing your body to fight against cancers. In order to keep your teeth and mouth healthy and in better condition green tea would be the best option. Whereas, black tea is slightly more processed, which results in fewer antioxidants. And if you like white teeth, black tea is better avoided because this can stain your pearly whites.
The Process of Curing With Tea:
Not just drinking tea, can provide advantages and benefits for your health but the process of making it plays a greater role. In order to make tea correctly, start by boiling water and pour the hot water over the tea leaves in a ceramic cup. Then, cover the cup with a saucer for about 2 to 3 minutes as the tea begins to steep. Doing this will help to get the most benefits out of every bag of tea.
Try to avoid adding sugar to your tea as bacteria love to feed off of sugar. Also, avoid bottled iced tea as it tends to have citric elements that can help raise the acidic levels of saliva.
Tea comes in numerous options and selecting from different numerous options the best option is brewed tea. Fizzy drinks and other sugar-filled beverages can lead to causing cavities and this leads to enamel loss, which leads to the deterioration of oral health. Studies have shown that drinking brewed tea has shown less enamel loss and this provides more strengthening benefits for the teeth and gum lines.
Apart from having several health benefits, tea also consists of polyphenols, which are micronutrients that are plant-based foods that help reduction of gum inflammation and disease. Since polyphenols aid in the killing of bacteria, tea is the best drink after water this beneficial drink helps in combating bad breath better than any mint or gums.
The benefits of teeth are not just limited to gums and teeth, it is one such drink that can have great beneficial benefits for your entire body. Tea is one such drink that helps in protecting your teeth from cell damage, illness, and many more. Research has even shown that green tea might even prevent of growth of certain cancers, this includes oral cancer too.
There are several types of tea available in the market, each has got its own benefits, below enumerated are different types of tea and the benefits that are provided by them.
Green Tea:
First, let us discuss green tea, it is not something new that this tea is packed with numerous benefits and each sip of it has a beneficial effect on your health. But a simple question might arise in your mind that is drinking green tea a beneficial thing for your teeth? Well, the answer is yes. Consuming green tea is beneficial thing for your teeth. Green tea combats the bacteria that can cause cavities, it also nourishes gums, reduces inflammation, and it can also help in remineralizing weak enamel. Other than that it also prevents bacterial growth that softens tooth structure, but it can also reverse the damage that bacteria can cause. Green tea also consists of fluoride which is the building block of good teeth health and also wards off tooth decay.
Black Tea:
Just like green tea, black tea also consists of fluoride, and consuming black tea also helps in warding off tooth decay.Fluoride is a mineral that could be found in water and most foods, and it is a common ingredient in toothpaste because this helps in repairing tooth enamel. Tea can also help in the prevention of cavities, and this is done by controlling bacteria and the reduction of acid in your mouth. Not just that Black tea can also help in fighting two bacteria types: Lactobacillus and Streptococcus mutans and these two types of bacteria can cause gum diseases. Black tea contains properties that help in reducing inflammation and it also prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth.
White Tea:
White tea is one such tea that is extremely beneficial for your health. White tea consists of substances such as fluoride, catechins, and tannins within it. This combination of molecules could eventually help in strengthening teeth by fighting bacteria and sugar. Fluoride can help prevent dental cavities by making the surface of teeth more resistant to acid attacks by bacteria in combination with sugar.
Red Tea:
Red tea also known as Rooibos tea is unique tea that is grown mainly on the African continent and it contains polyphenols such as “aspalathin” that are not found in any other foods. Red tea consists of powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties within it and drinking a cup of rooibos tea every day can eventually help you to stay healthy. Rooibos tea is rich in several minerals including manganese, calcium, and fluoride. These minerals present in the teeth help in promoting healthy bones and teeth.
Yellow Tea:
Yellow tea is one such tea that has got numerous benefits in it. Yellow tea has flavor compounds and also has antibacterial properties and polyphenols in it. These things help in the prevention of plaque formation in the teeth. Scientific research has suggested that dietary sources of polyphenols help in treating inflammatory responses of periodontal diseases.
Ginger Tea:
Ginger is a root that has got numerous benefits for your overall health, if you want healthy teeth and gums, then consuming ginger tea could be beneficial for your teeth too. Ginger is considered a healing herb, and the anti-inflammatory properties present in it help in promoting healthy tissues in your mouth, and it’s one of the good herbs for the prevention of gum diseases.
Oolong Tea:
Oolong Tea is a beneficial tea for your oral health. Consuming oolong tea promotes better dental health, as this helps in the reduction of plaque and gingivitis. Not just that consuming oolong tea, may help increase bone mineral density. This tea may also strengthen tooth enamel and also reduces the formation of dental plaque.
Peppermint Tea:
This tea is not only good for digestive health but also for toothaches. The bags of peppermint tea can help in soothing sensitive gums and also helps to numb pain in the mouth. For trying this remedy at home, soak a peppermint tea bag in hot water for a minute and then let the teabag rest until it’s slightly warm. Apart from its pleasant smell, peppermint also has antibacterial properties that help in killing germs that cause dental plaque, this tea also improves your breath.
Lavender Tea:
Lavender tea consists of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, and stimulant properties, a natural dental, and oral remedy. Lavender tea is effective against bad breath and it also helps in healing damaged tissue, and it provides soothing relief from mouth pain. Its aroma is also a powerful sedative that calms your nervous system. Consuming lavender tea is generally safe for most adults if it is consumed in moderation. However, if you drink too much of it, you may experience headaches, constipation, and an increased appetite.
Now that you have known the different benefits of tea and the different types of tea, you should also know how you can protect your teeth from staining. As it is mentioned earlier that tea is the best drink after water, and hence in order to consume tea in a proper way without any stains affecting it, you should follow certain rules that help in keeping your teeth stain-free while you consume tea.
The ways by which you can help in keeping your teeth free of stains:
- Drink through a straw: When you drink the tea through a straw, it helps in protecting your teeth because your teeth and tea are not coming into direct contact.
- Add a little cream: Adding a little amount of cream to your teeth not only adds a different taste and flavor to them but also helps in preventing stains to appear.
- Brush or rinse immediately after drinking: No matter how many times you consume tea, if you immediately rinse your mouth after consuming it then it results in the reduction of causing stains.
- Practice quality oral hygiene: By following proper oral hygiene you could help in preventing your teeth, from the stains of tea.
- Use whitening toothpaste: Brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste, helps in the prevention of stains and also leads to whitening your teeth, by preventing stains that is caused by tea.