Sore, swelled, and aching gum can rob off a night’s sleep easily. Even though gum diseases are painful, people rarely try to prevent them at the initial stage. Good oral hygiene is essential if you want to prevent gum disease from commencing. Yet, rarely do people adhere to good oral hygiene and wash off germs and viruses. Sore gum which causes irritation, and occasional bleeding might seem like a normal occurrence but sometimes concealed behind the layer of bleeding or aching gum lies more serious health issues. Therefore, instead of ignoring sore gum which swells or bleeds, you should see a dentist and incorporate good oral hygiene to prevent gum ailments.
It is not emotionally healthy to worry about gum disease which leads to cancer without evidence. But being careful usually saves a lot of future trouble. Here is a list that will tell you why you may be experiencing sudden gum pain.
Poor Brushing
If you are suffering from sudden gum pain, it might be because of your brushing technique. Some adhere to the notion that the harder they brush, the cleaner their teeth will be. Thus, they brush using as much pressure as they can evoke. However, it is the wrong approach as hard brushing may damage your teeth’ enamel. It can slowly lead to teeth damage and of course gum ache. Therefore, if you are swayed by the idea that a round of hard brushing will strip off all the dental germs and viruses, you should think again. In case of sudden gum ache, change your brushing style and be a little gentle with your teeth.
No Flossing
Only brushing does not help all the time. You need to supplement your brushing with flossing. If you are subscribed to the idea that only brushing your teeth twice will help you get healthy teeth, you are mistaken. You need to floss your teeth and get the food particles out. No flossing can lead to sudden gum pain and make you experience hours of discomfort. However, if you perform rough flossing, you may experience problems with your gum.
Gum Disease
Now, gum disease is another cause of gum aches. You may experience sudden aches if you are suffering from any gum disease. The most famous gum disease is gingivitis. It causes gum bleeding. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease and it may lead to more serious problems in the future if you allow it to spread. Therefore, if you experience gum ache or suffer from gum bleeding, you should go to see a dentist without wasting any time. Be sure to get into a good oral hygiene routine if you want to stay away from gum disease and gum aches.
Remember that gingivitis is not a deadly disease. Therefore, you can reverse its negative effect by incorporating proper oral hygiene. However, in case you leave it untreated gingivitis may turn into something vicious and cause more pain and problems. So, without delay, you should seek medical assistance in case of gum pain and gum bleeding.
Mouth Ulcer
Due to extreme bacterial infection, you may suffer from a mouth ulcer. Even though the exact reason for mouth ulcers is not known yet, you can expect to suffer from them if you have a poor oral routine. Bacteria attacks when people don’t brush or floss regularly. Mouth ulcers are usually red. However, you may notice white ulcers as well. These can cause sudden gum pain. Mouth ulcers usually last for a few days and then disappear. However, if you experience a mouth ulcer that does not go away, you should seek medical assistance without delay.
Tobacco Consumption
Tobacco consumption can be a cause of sudden gum pain. Over-exposure to tobacco damages gum severely. If you have the habit of consuming excessive tobacco, you may suffer from sudden gum ache. In this case, slight lifestyle changes may cure the problem. However, if the gum ache does not go away, you should seek medical attention to get a proper dental routine. You should stop consuming tobacco without delay because it damages gum and teeth. Excessive use can cause teeth staining which is difficult to remove. You may have to seek professional help if you want to wash off tobacco stains.
Allergic Reaction
Some dental hygiene products like mouthwash, or toothpaste may cause an allergic reaction. If you are sensitive to the ingredients of the product you are using, you may suffer from gum pain. Toothache is not uncommon either. If this is the case, you need to stop using the oral hygiene product. In case, you are not sure about the product which is causing the pain, you should try to stop using some of the products to see whether you get relief from your gum problem. This way you can eliminate one after another product to find the one which is causing the allergic reaction.
Food Allergy
Yes, food allergies can cause gum aches. If you are allergic to a certain food, you may experience gum disease due to the consumption of that food. In case you suspect an allergic reaction to be causing gum ache, you should speak to a doctor to find out which food might be the cause of your dental discomfort. However, if you don’t want to see a doctor, you can start eliminating food to find out the one responsible for your gum ache. Eliminating this food will provide you relief from your discomfort.
Gum Burning
Sometimes scalding and clingy food like cheese-overloaded pizza burns your gum. Drinking hot beverages also causes gum burning. If your gum gets burned, you may experience gum aches. However, in this case, the ache will disappear within a few days. However, you need to spare your gum by not eating or drinking anything too hot. Also, you need to stay away from hard brushing. If you follow this routine, your gum will heal within a few days.
An infected tooth can cause serious gum aches. In addition, an infection can cause gum bleeding, swelling, and even soreness. If this occurs, the only way to get relief will be by seeking medical attention.