A beautiful and magnificent smile is something that everyone endeavors. For getting that perfect sparkling smile everyone goes through a lot of procedures. Having a beautiful smile acts like a lucky charm for yourself as it uplifts your confidence and enlivens your mood. Having a perfect smile is something that everyone deliberately wants and there is no doubt that a charming smile is one of the attractive traits.
You follow oral hygiene to maintain that magnificent smile. Do you know what can result in the decaying of your teeth or what can make your teeth cavity-prone? Poor oral hygiene and not following appropriate dental habits. See, everyone wants their smile to be perfect and in order to get that you need to adopt certain oral habits. It is famously said that, “charity begins at home”, brushing is a basic oral habit while following proper dental hygiene is something which will bless you with a magnificent smile.
The problem arises when you do not end up following proper dental hygiene, and guess what it is something very common these days. It is nothing new that regular dental visits is something that everyone should follow in order to maintain their oral health. Brushing is the basic thing that everyone follows to keep their gums and teeth health on track and to maintain healthy oral health.
However most people do not follow proper steps and end up committing mistakes while brushing. Well, brushing is a basic step that everyone should follow correctly and order to maintain proper oral health. Hence, today in this article I have discussed the steps that you need to prevent while you brush. By the end of this article you will definitely develop an idea of following the right brushing rules to keep your oral health on track in the long run.
What you mus avoid to keep good teeth?
#1. Using the toothbrush for a longer period of time:
The average lifespan of your toothbrush is about three months. With constant use which means using your tooth brush twice a day for seven days. Hence after 200 uses you need to bid goodbye to your toothbrush as the bristles are bound to ger ripped off or worn out. This is the time when you need to change your toothbrush as it has lost its flexibility.
A worned out or a broken bristles toothbrush doesn’t end up brushing your teeth properly, and thus after you notice that your toothbrush starts to loose bristles you need to immediately change it.
After using the same toothbrush for about three months bacteria and even food particles start to surround and begin to accumulate in your toothbrush. Hence, you need to make sure that you keep changing your toth brush after every three months.
#2. Not Having the Habit of Flossing:
If you do not have the habit of flossing regularly, then you need to immediately think about it. As flossing is essentially required to prevent the growth of plaque and remove them from the gap of your teeth. Flossing helps in removing the bacteria and plaque from your teeth where your toothbrush fails to reach. If plaque gets accumulated into your teeth, and even after that if you do not develop the habit of flossing then that plaque gets calcified and gets deposited on your teeth.
The question over here might arise in your mind what is the best time to floss. Well, flossing your teeth at the end of the day would be a better option and one you develop the habit of flossing once a day it eventually becomes an easier task for you.
#3. Not Cleaning Your Tongue:
Brushing your teeth in the correct order is not the end of a proper oral health. Cleaning your tongue after brushing is an essential part after you brush your teeth. You might notice that a thin film of bacteria subatrates on your tongue, and with the help of a tongue cleaner you can easily get rid of a that bacteria. Cleaning your tongue after brushing your teeth is something that you need to include in your routine everyday.
If you are not comfortable in using a tongue scraper then there is an alternative option too, you can use a toothbrush which already has a scrapper on its opposite side and that will easily get your job done.
#4. Using a toothbrush which has too hard bristle:
Brushes with hard bristles result in hurting your gums. You need to switch to a toothbrush which is made up of soft bristles. You need a brush which can move out the food particles that are stuck in between your teeth.
Brushes that have medium or hard bristles result in application of the force that can remove the protective enamel of your teeth. Hence your teeth and gums become more prone to sensitive teeth and this in turn hurts your teeth while you drink anything cold.
#5. Using an incorrect brushing technique:
Many people tend to brush their teeth in an incorrect method, the correct method of brushing your teeth is in circles and not in the back and forth. Cleaning your teeth in the circular motion helps in cleaning your teeth more gently and effectively and this also helps in cleaning the gaps of your teeth.
Your toothbrush should have a contact with teeth as well as your gumline. You need to avoid brushing so hard that the bristles do not end up bending on your teeth. A wider side-to-side stroke can easily scrape the soft tissues which lines in between your teeth and gums. Tilting your toothbrush vertically and brushing your teeth with a gentle role helps in cleaning your tooth easily.
#6. Brushing your teeth at wrong angle:
Most of times, you end up brushing your teeth at a wrong angle. The correct method to brush your teeth is at 45 degree angle and making short circular strokes. This angle helps in cleaning your teeth more effectively. Pointing the bristles at this angle helps in superior cleaning beneath and above the gum line.
Cleaning your gumline correctly helps in avoiding discoloration and forbids cavities and gum diseases.
#7. Not changing the brushing routine:
Yes, you read that right you need to change your brushing routine in order to maintain your oral hygiene. You need to change the habit as many people end up brushing the same area by their habit and tend to forget the other. Due to this reason you need to change the things and following a non- liner pattern is something which would help you.
If you opt for a electric toothbrush, all you need to do is guide it and then it up automatically end up doing its job, by reaching to those places in your mouth with less effort where it is usually hard to reach.
#8. Brushing too Rough:
If you end up brushing your teeth too roughly then it results in damaging your teeth. Many people tend to apply their strength to brush their teeth, and this in turn results in eroding and decaying of your teeth.
#9. Using a Wrong Toothbrush:
Choosing the wrong toothbrush can increase your oral problems, as it would give you a rough experience while you brush your teeth. Hence, it is better if you choose a toothbrush as per your choices and preferences. You need to choose one from the different types of handles, filaments, sizes and heads as per your preferences.
Most dentists recommend those type of toothbrush which is easy to hold and flexible at the same time.
#10. Wrong Choice of Bristles:
Choose a toothbrush that has angled bristles as they are considered to be the best for cleaning your teeth despite of the position of oyur teeth. Hard and stiff bristles result in damaging your gums and teeth. Hence, it is advised to use a toothbrush with softer bristles.
While one thing you need to keep in your mind is that the ripped-off bristles end up losing their and hence they do not clean you’re properly.
#11.Rinsing Your Mouth With Water After Brushing Your Teeth:
Rinsing your mouth with water is something that you need to avoid, as because the moment water mixes up with the toothpaste it cuts down the efficiency of the fluoride from the toothpaste. You should use a mouth rinse which consists of fluoride. All you need to do is rinse, gargle and spit the mouthwash, but you should prevent yourself from using water.
#12. Brushing your teeth for more than two times a day:
For maintaining a proper oral hygiene brushing your teeth twice a day is all you need. Some people think that brushing the teeth after every meal is good for the oral health. Actually brushing oyur teeth twice a day is all you need. Brushing your teeth for more than twice a day results in tooth dwindling and eroding of gums and enamel and this is not something which you want to happen.
In conclusion, Brushing is something which is a very basic habit for maintaining a proper oral health while brushing your teeth you need to follow the above mentioned habits in order to adopt a proper brushing habit and a healthy mouth for a longer period of time.