A magnificent and a jovial smile is an alluring thing which holds a different radiance in it. Everyone wants their smile to be a perfect one that pleases everyone around them. And it is not something new that a beautiful smile is the first thing which people would notice at the first instance when they meet you. Well in order to maintain the radiance of your smile, you need to look after what are the foods which you are consuming and how regularly you take care of your oral health.
Today in this article we are going to discuss the common 15 teeth diseases, and how you should take care of your oral health in order to keep up with the radiance of your smile.
- Toothache:
Toothache is a common dental disease. If you are facing an extreme tooth ache, and you are having trouble in doing pretty everything then the time has time to visit your dentist. While you have made a dentist appointment, and it if you are still facing problems. Then in that situation rinsing your mouth with warm water would help you out.
Toothache can happen due to various reasons. If you notice any swelling or any kind of pus around your tooth, or if you are suffering from fever then this might be a sign that you are having an abscess, or any serious problem. During any such situation you need to visit your dentist as soon as possible. In such a condition you might require antibiotics as well as other treatments.
2. Stained Teeth:
Stained teeth is a common dental problem, and your teeth is something which can easily get stained. Well in order to treat this problem and keep it away you need to choose the right thing so that it doesn’t ends up causing any stains. Several thing such as foods, medications, tobacco, and trauma are a few things which can end up causing severe discoloration of your teeth.
There are three options with which you can easily whiten your teeth. Your dentist can use a whitening agent and a special light for cleaning and removing the stains from your teeth. Or else you can also bleach them at home, this could be done with the help of a plastic tray and gel from your dentist or a store. Well the simplest choice is you can choose for a whitening toothpaste and whitening rinses, as they can help in the removal of stains from your teeth.
3. Cavities:
Cavities are one of the most common dental health problems. You will notice little holes in your teeth, and could end up causing pain. Cavities are formed when a sticky bacteria, which is commonly called plaque, begins to build up on your teeth, and their rapid growth can slowly end up dwindling the hard outer shell, which is the enamel of your teeth.
Cavities are formed due to an excessive consumption of chocolates and sugary drinks. And in order to prevent this you should brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride in it. Other than that snacks, flossing daily, rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash, and keeping up with your dental appointments is an essential thing.
4. Chipped Tooth:
Chipped tooth is a common type of dental injury. Any kind of accident can end up causing a chip. If you end up facing a severe chip then in such a situation your dentist would recommend a crown. If the chip is large or bonding with a strong resin material in order to replace the area that has been chipped. If your dentist notices that the pulp is at risk, then in that situation you may need a root canal which will be followed by a veneer or crown in order to prevent any further problems.
5. Impacted Teeth:
Whenever any adult tooth doesn’t comes out in a proper condition then that teeth is known as an impacted teeth. This situation is usually seen when a tooth is stuck against another tooth, bone, or any soft tissue.
If this situation is not bothering you or creating any problem, then your dentist may recommend leaving it alone without doing anything to it. But if the impacted teeth ends up hurting or if it causes any problems later on, then in that situation your oral surgeon can remove it.
6. Cracked Tooth:
Cracked tooth can occur due to several of reasons. It can happen if you were playing football without any mouth guard, or it can also happen due to chewing. During such a situation can your dentist save the tooth? It depends entirely upon the situation in which you are in. Most dentists would recommend crowns for cracked teeth in order to prevent the crack from worsening further.
If the tooth is sensitive to hot and cold, then the problem end up becoming more complex and complicated. During this situation try to chew on the other side until you see your dentist. If the crack has occurred above the gum line, then in that condition you may need a root canal and a crown. When there is a deeper crack it means that the tooth must be pulled, though in order to prevent any further problems. Though it is true that fillings can increase the chance of a crack.
7. Sensitive to Cold:
Having sensitive tooth is a common problem for many. When you are having sensitive tooth it can cause many problems. Whenever you are tasting anything cold and if it is creating any problem and if you notice that the cold is hitting your teeth then there is a severe problem. Well the first step is to find the cause. Sensitive teeth can be caused due to the results of cavities, worn tooth enamel or fillings, gum disease, fractured teeth, or exposed roots.
When your dentist figures out the problem successfully, that weather you might need a filling, a root canal, or treatment of your gums in order to replace tissue lost at the root. Or you might just need a desensitizing toothpaste or strip, or a fluoride gel in order to solve problems.
9. Crooked Teeth:
Crooked teeth can not only end up running your pretty smile but it can also end up causing several other dental problems. Crooked teeth can cause several problems like pain in jaw, while the problem of crooked teeth can be treated with the help of braces, aligners, and retainers.
10. Gapping in Between Teeth:
Though gapping in the front tooth is not considered as any problem. It can still end up causing problems. Gapping in teeth can be solved with the cosmetics procedure solutions such as veneers or bonding.
11. Gum Problems
Bleeding of gums is a very severe problem. Whenever anyone faces a severe gum bleeding problem then their gums tends to become tender. And if anyone is suffering from gums problem then they could feel that their teeth are easily getting pulled away from your gums. Commonly gum disease is also called gingivitis.
Gingivitis is caused due to the buildup of plaque, a sticky bacteria, which occurs below the gum lines. When it is left untreated, it can eventually end up causing bone loss at some point of time, and not just that your teeth can become loose or it might shift. If a situation like this occurs then it becomes harder to chew and even speak due to severe pain. In order to avoid gum disease you need to brush, floss, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash daily, and apart from that you need to also see your dentist for regular cleanings as well.
12. Clenching or Grinding Your Teeth:
Grinding your teeth is known as bruxism. Grinding of teeth is also caused due to stress begin on of its main causes. Misaligned teeth or sleep issues can also be the reason in grinding of teeth among adults. Whereas among kids, it is caused due to allergies.
Bruxism can give you severe headaches, a sore jaw, and cracked or loose teeth. If you found out that you are grind your teeth at night, then ask your dentist to fit you with a mouth guard as this would help in solving the problem. If it is a daytime problem, then try meditation, exercise, or other ways in order to curb the stress from within.
13. Wisdom Teeth Problems:
It is seen that 90% of people have at least one wisdom tooth and that is impacted, or it is not able to fully grow in. Whenever there are problems with your wisdom teeth it can end up causing cavities, by damage the neighboring teeth, and gum diseases too could occur.
It is a most common thing that wisdom teeth generally come in between the ages of 17 and 25. Your dentist should track their progress and see if they are causing any problem. If they end up becoming a problem for you, then you may need to get them removed.
14. Root Infection:
Your teeth’s base or root can become easily become infected and get swollen because of bacteria. This infection is mostly caused because of cavities, cracks, or fractures that occurs in the tooth. Root infection can end up damaging the tissues and nerves of your tooth, and this can eventually end up developing of abscesses.
A chronic or a long-lasting and a persistent throbbing toothache is one of sure sign of root infection. During such a situation both chewing and biting becomes a painful thing and the part of your mouth where the infection has occurred will be very sensitive to hot and cold food and drinks. While in some cases, the area of the face around the infection also end up becoming swollen.
A root infection is treated with the help of root canal. And, although there are many people who fear at the thought of having a root canal performed, but the truth is the procedure is actually very safe with minimal pain since dentists use anesthetic while performing root canals.
15. Enamel Erosion:
Enamel erosion is a type of an oral condition that develops very slowly and this problem can leave your teeth both discolored and rounded looking. The primary cause of this dental problem is due to the consumption of plenty of sugary and acidic foods such as soda and sweets for a longer period of time.
Enamel erosion can end up making your teeth very sensitive, weaker, and more susceptible to cracks, chips, and cupping. The lost enamel cannot be restored on teeth which have already suffered an enamel erosion. However, you can also reduce any further enamel erosion by removing sugary and acidic foods from your daily food consumption. Other than that using toothbrushes with softer bristles helps, too. You can also greatly improve the appearance of your teeth with the dental veneers.
What should you eat for that sparkling crystal clear smile?
Now that you have known what are the most common dental diseases, and what are the causes of it. You should also know the food items which you should include in your diet in order to maintain the radiance of your smile.
#1. Cheese:
Cheese is a dairy product, and this dairy product is a good source of calcium for your teeth and hence it is a super food for your teeth. Cheese also has the ability to combat acid erosion of the teeth.
Whenever you are consuming the meal with breads, sweets, citrus, or soda, your teeth are exposed to tooth decay causing acid. Hence eating cheese after a meal can help in the removal of the acid that is left behind by a meal. Soft cheeses such as brie and camembert, aged cheddars and blues including Roquefort, gorgonzola and stilton are all excellent options for your teeth’s health.
#2. Water:
A human body is mostly comprised of water, and your saliva is mostly made up of 99.5% of water. Whenever your body is dehydrated it can end up thickening your saliva, and this situation ends up creating a havoc situation in your mouth.
A maximum level of water should be present in saliva and it is required to breakdown the food, and also helps in neutralizing bacterial acid and it also prevents the tooth decay. While water still isn’t as good as a toothbrush and floss, it can still aid in reducing plaque by rinsing away food debris. Rinsing your mouth with water after drinking coffee or having other staining foods can help in the reduction of staining to your teeth.
#3. Fruits and vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables are always great foods when the question arises about dental health. The presence of high fiber content helps in building the foundation of your teeth’s health.
Hence try including salad greens as they are an all-around healthy punch of food, with the high water content. The crunchy juicy fruits and vegetables also helps to offset their sugar content. Try to consume fresh carrots, celery, cucumber and apples as they help maintaining the radiance of your smile.
#4. Celery:
When it comes to looking after your teeth, it’s worth singling out celery in the high-fiber veg category. Celery is the crunchy superfood which help in cleansing your teeth with each delectable bite. The fact it requires vigorous chewing also produces lots of bacteria-fighting saliva, which is boon for your overall mouth health and as well as for your teeth too.
#5. Green and black tea:
Polyphenols, are a substance which are found in green and black tea, interact with the bacteria that can cause plaque by killing or suppressing them. Bacteria is a microorganism which feeds on the sugars present in your mouth and, once they have had their feast, they also excrete tooth enamel destroying acids. This makes tea a great choice for during or after a meal, as it helps in suppressing the presence of these acid producing bacteria in the mouth.
#6. Fish:
It is an important thing to get enough calcium in your diet as because it helps in protecting your teeth and gums from disease. However, your body is not able to absorb all that calcium if your body is suffering from the deficiency of vitamin D. Fatty fish such a salmon is a super food which is a fantastic source of vitamin D, and consuming it allows your teeth and gums to get the full disease fighting benefits of calcium from the foods you eat.
#7. Oranges:
The presence of vitamin C in the oranges helps in strengthening the blood vessels and connective tissues and it also leads to slows down the progression of gum disease by reducing the inflammation.
If you want to look after your dental health, then you can choose the fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits but you need to keep one thing in mind is that you need to wait for at least half an hour before brushing your teeth after you eat citrus fruits.
Taking Care of Oral Health:
Below enumerated are the steps with which you can take care of your oral health.
#1. Brushing your teeth for twice a day:
It is not something new that brushing your teeth for twice a day helps in keeping the dental problems away. Once in the morning after getting up from sleep and once at night before going to bed.
Still there are many people who end up neglecting brushing their teeth at night. Brushing your teeth for twice a day helps in getting rid the germs and plaque that accumulate throughout the day.
#2. Brushing properly:
The correct and an appropriate technique of brushing helps in maintaining your teeth’s health. The correct method of brushing is take your time, moving the toothbrush in gentle, circular motions as this helps in the removal of plaque.
When the plaque is unremoved it tends to get harden, and this can lead to calculus buildup and gingivitis.
#3. Don’t neglect your tongue:
Plaque is something which can also build up on your tongue. This can not only lead to bad mouth odor, but it can also end up leading to other oral health problems too. In order to prevent this you need to keep in mind to gently brush your tongue every time while you brush your teeth too.
#4. Using a fluoride toothpaste:
While choosing a tooth paste you need to keep in mind that you are choosing a toothpaste which consists of fluoride in it. As because fluoride helps in fighting against the tooth decay. Fluoride present in your toothpaste works by fighting germs that can lead to decay, as well as providing a protective barrier for your teeth.
#5. Treat flossing as important as brushing:
Brushing alone who not help in maintaining your tooth’s health. Whenever you are brushing you need to also keep in mind that you floss too. Flossing regularly for once a day helps in taking out the foods that might have got stuck in between your teeth. Flossing can eventually help in the reduction of plaque and also helps in lowering the inflammation of any infected area.
#6. Drinking more water:
Water is a liquid which is one of the best beverage for your overall health and this also includes your oral health too. Drinking a sufficient amount of water helps in washing out some of the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods and beverages in between brushes.
#7. Limiting the consumption of sugary and acidic foods:
An intake of extreme sugary foods can help in creating severe problems as sugar converts into acid in your mouth, and this can eventually erode the enamel of your teeth. These are acids that end up leading to cavities. Acidic fruits such as teas, and coffee can also wear down tooth enamel. Hence it is advised to consume a less amount of sugary foods, if you want to protect your teeth’s health.
#8.Visiting your dentist for at least twice a year:
Besides maintaining your oral health, you also need to visit your dentist for at least twice a year in order to check that weather your oral health is on right track. Dental checkup can help in removing the cavities and tooth decaying problems too.
It is seen that some dental insurance companies cover more frequent dental checkups. This is an advantageous thing.