Who doesn’t wishes to have a smile that brightens everyone around them? The care that you do for your oral health eventually enhances the radiance of your smile. A jovial smile lifts you up from within and helps you in achieving new heights every day.
Well everyone wants a set of whitened teeth, and in order to achieve that you pinch your pocket to buy dozens of products to maintain the radiance of your smile. Even after spending your money on tons of dental products, you still face different dental issues like tartar buildup, gum diseases and tooth decay. Today in this article we will be discussing what is tartar and the several different ways in which you can stop tartar from ruining the radiance of your magnificent smile. Before discussing the ways how you should control the tartar build-up you should know what tartar is.
What is tartar?
Tartar which is also known as dental calculus. During this condition, there is a buildup of plaque and minerals which comes from your saliva that gets hardened on your teeth. The yellowish coating on your teeth gets hardened extremely on your teeth which also leads to pain. Tartar gets accumulated on the backs and fronts of the teeth and even in between the teeth. Several foods and drinks can easily lead to staining your teeth and thus making you look unattractive.
How plaque causes tartar to form?
When there is an accumulation of plaque it can lead to health oral health consequences. The bacteria found in the plaque create the acid by feeding upon the sugars in the foods which you eat, and the foods which can damage your teeth and can lead to causing cavities. The bacteria can also make toxins that can aggravate your gums and thus this leads to periodontal disease and several gum diseases. Tartar gets formed on the breeding ground for plaque bacteria to get thrived in, and this in turn allows the bacteria to multiply very quickly.
It is known that plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing, but unlike plaque, tartar cannot be removed by brushing or flossing. In order to get rid of it you need to visit your dentist if you want to remove it. When your dentist would look through your problem of yours, they will use special instruments in order to remove it through a technique called scaling and polishing. Scaling refers to the removal or picking off of tartar from the teeth, whereas polishing helps in smoothing and shinning the teeth afterwards.
The Signs of Tartar Buildup and How Does it Have an Impact on Your Oral Heath?
You will most likely notice signs of tartar buildup as because it would give a different feeling to your teeth. When there is tartar buildup on your teeth, it makes you feel rough to touch them and during this situation brushing would not help alone to keep your tartar away. Whenever the tartar appears above your gum line, it might be brown, tan, or yellow and tartar often grows to cover larger areas of the teeth when not removed.
When the tartar in your teeth builds below your gum line, then it might be black or brown and this might also lead to periodontal disease, bone loss, receding gums, and tooth loss. Whereas the other signs include chronic bad breath, gum disease, cavities, gingivitis, tooth sensitivity, and bleeding and irritated gums. When this situation is left untreated and unaddressed then this tartar can also end up causing several other health issues. As per the reports and research, gum disease can be caused by tartar accumulation and this in turn also increases the risk for stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.
Well, it is known that when tartar gets accumulated in anyone’s teeth and it is removed with the help of a dentist, but that is not absolutely correct there are many other ways by which tartar can be removed.
When tartar and plaque get accumulated they can easily create havoc and detrimental effect on your dental health, and hence it is essential thing to keep them at a bay. While you are visiting a dentist, is the best way to eliminate the tartar, not just that you can also remove the tartar at your home without the help of a dentist. Here we have discussed some of the ways with the help of which you can remove tartar.
#1. Brushing Your Teeth Twice a Day:
It is not something new that brushing your teeth twice a day once in the morning and once during night helps in keeping your dental problems away. Though brushing your teeth twice a day won’t help to remove the tartar all alone, it is a very effective thing to maintain your oral hygiene and this in turn also prevents the formation of tartar on your teeth. Well, if you want to keep your teeth clean then it is recommended to use an electric toothbrush, as this would help you to clean the places more efficiently and it might also help you to remove the tartar.
#2. Using a tartar removal toothpaste:
If you are suffering from the problems of tartar then it is recommended to use tartar removal toothpaste. As the tartar removal toothpaste works effectively on the elimination of tooth calculus. The tartar removal toothpaste consists of fluoride and pyrophosphates that helps in killing those plaque-causing bacteria and it also helps in preventing calcium phosphate deposits in the form of tartar.
#3. Flossing Regularly:
Just like brushing flossing too is an essential thing in or to keep your oral health in check. The toothbrush of yours alone cannot reach all over your gums and all over your tooth’s surfaces. Hence it is an important thing to floss on a regular basis in order to remove the plaque and any lodged food particles from the inaccessible parts of your teeth. You need to keep in mind that, keeping your teeth clean and germ-free can go a long way to prevent tartar buildup and accumulation on your teeth.
Using the Natural or Homemade Remedies:
#1. White Vinegar:
The presence of acetic acid in white vinegar consists of antibacterial properties and not just that it also promotes demineralization of tooth enamel, and hence this makes it more effective in the removal of tartar and plaque. What you need to do is, just add half a teaspoon of salt into the half a cup of water and add two teaspoons of white vinegar to it. Stir it well and gargle the mixture twice a day.
#2. Glycerin and Aloe Vera:
Both glycerin and aloe Vera helps in the removal of tartar, just mix up a tablespoon of aloe Vera gel along with a half cup of water and baking powder. Into it add four tablespoons of lemon essential oils and vegetable glycerin and scrub your teeth with the mixture in order to remove the tartar.
#3. Baking soda:
This ingredient is easily found in your homes, and baking soda can easily work on the removal of tartar. Wet your toothbrush and put some little amount of baking soda on its bristles, and use it to brush your teeth. Allow it to rest for a bare minimum time of 10 – 15 minutes before you rinse your mouth.
When you brush your teeth with baking soda it helps in the removal of tartar and this in turn whitens your teeth. However, though using it can help in the removal of tartar, but excessive use of it can create a detrimental effect on your tooth’s health and it can also dwindle your tooth’s enamel too.
#4. Orange peels:
Orange peels are an excellent thing which helps in the removal of tartar. Using the inside part of the orange peel for scrubbing your teeth for about two minutes can help in the removal of tartar. You can also mash the orange peel to make a paste and apply it to your teeth and gums with your toothbrush. You can repeat the process thrice or twice a week in order to get effective results.
#5. Guava Fruit and Leaves:
Guava fruit and leaves can also help in the reduction of gum swelling and the removal of tartar and plaque naturally. Just chew some guava leaves and spit them out. Alternatively, sprinkle salt over an unripe guava fruit and chew it twice or once a day as this prevents the build-up of tartar.
#6. Sesame Seeds:
These small white seeds are an active dental scrubs. These seeds also help in the removal of tartar, chew a handful of seeds but you should not swallow them. The time when the seeds are still in your mouth, just scrub off tartar with a dry toothbrush.
#7. Consuming Spicy Foods:
When you chew some peppers this helps in eliminating the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth. This is because spicy foods can improve the production of saliva in your mouth, which helps in the cleaning of the gums and teeth.
#8. Consuming Vitamin C Rich Foods:
Foods rich in vitamin C such as Tomatoes and strawberries can have antimicrobial properties that can help in the prevention of tartar and plaque buildup on your teeth. Just mash strawberries and tomatoes to form a paste and apply it to your teeth. Allow this mixture to rest for 5 minutes before washing it off. Repeat twice a week till you notice the difference.
#9. Oil pulling:
Swishing oil in your mouth can help in the prevention of tartar formation and plaque in your mouth. You should swish your mouth usually with coconut or olive oil around as this would help your teeth to strengthen, and also help in the prevention of tooth decay, soothe sore gums, and remove plaque.
In order to perform an “oil pull,” you should swish about one tablespoon of coconut or olive oil around in your mouth for 20 to 30 minutes. Coconut oil is believed to be particularly beneficial because it contains fatty acids such as Lauric acid, a substance that has anti-inflammatory properties in it and also has antimicrobial effects.
Preventing the buildup of tartar before even it starts:
Just like any other health issue, it is always said prevention is better than cure. Hence the solution lies in prevention. Though by following excellent oral hygiene it can’t be enough to remove your tartar from the teeth.
Brushing and flossing regularly helps in the removal of tartar.
Brush and floss regularly. Use fluoride or ADA-approved antimicrobial mouthwash, drink plenty of water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid sugary foods. Not just that you should also avoid the use of tobacco and reduce stress, as these can also contribute to the buildup of tartar on your teeth.
Lastly, visit your dentist regularly for at least twice a year for professional checkups and cleanings even though you are following an excellent oral hygiene routine. As because your dentist will help in removing any plaque which you might have missed, and they can also detect the early signs of gum disease and will give an assurance that your gums and teeth are healthy and in a good condition.