The tooth is a very crucial part of everyone’s life, a good set of teeth bewitches everybody. Even it is a very important part of a mother’s life when her baby’s first tooth blooms. During this time mothers will get several questions in their mind, related to their baby’s new tooth.
This is the time when you will notice that your baby becomes irritated and you might even notice a sudden change of behavior in your baby. A baby’s first tooth starts to sprout out at the tender age of 6 months and continues to bloom up to the age of 3 years.
Here I have enlisted 10 points that a mother needs to keep in mind when her baby’s teeth start to bloom:
It is tangible among babies that their first tooth starts to sprout out at the tender age of 6 months, while in some children their mother might notice that their baby starts teething at the age of 4 months. Even for some babies, it might take a year for the milk tooth to take its course.
There is quite a huge range that is considered completely normal when the milk tooth of a baby starts to sprout out as every baby grows at a particular speed which is different from one another. Even it is a fact those baby girls tend to sprout out their first milk tooth earlier as compared to baby boys. Even hereditary plays an important role in the pattern of teething among babies.
Excessive drooling among babies is a common symptom when they start teething. Even rashes on the face and chest, biting on hard objects, sleep disturbances, gum swelling, soreness, and general irritability are some of the common symptoms you might notice in your baby which make them irritable.
Many parents have even reported fever in their babies although there is no such scientific evidence that supports the connection between teething and fever, hence it is always recommended to consult the pediatrician if you notice the symptoms of fever in your child persists.
When your baby starts teething, and if by chance they suffer from swelling gums it leads to a painful experience for them. Severe pain among babies even makes them cry and seeing that it really feels like a pinning thorn. There are various types of problems that your baby goes through when they start teething, and there are several methods recommended that help to provide relief during the phase of teething among babies. One such method includes using frozen teething rings or a cold, moist washcloth that your baby would suck on. Other than that even gently rubbing and massaging the baby’s gums with a cold washcloth also helps to give relief.
There are several pain relievers available on the market such as Tylenol which can be beneficial for your baby’s gums during teething but before that, you should consult with your pediatrician if you are completely unsure about the correct dosages.
There are some parents who swear by amber teething necklaces, even though there is no such scientific evidence that supports their effectiveness, they can be hazardous and can even pose strangulated conditions among the babies.
Mothers are also recommended to keep themselves at a bay from the teething tablets and gels which consist of benzocaine or belladonna, as your child could suffer from severe side effects.
Once the newly bloomed milk tooth is present in your baby’s mouth, it is always recommended for mothers to use fluoridated toothpaste for brushing their baby’s tooth. Fluoride is one such material that helps in strengthening the tooth and helps to prevent them from decaying by hardening the tooth’s enamel. The best part is that fluoride is often added to tap water.
The newly bloomed tooth is just like soft cotton for fluoride and the mineral helps in strengthening the enamel for the lifetime of the tooth. If any excess amount of toothpaste remains in the tooth, you can also use a tissue or even a soft washcloth to wipe off the excess amount after brushing.
Once your child starts teething it is clearly recommended to make themselves brush twice a day to maintain good oral health. Brushing the child’s teeth after they have their last drink or meal is highly recommended. If your child is suffering from swollen gums, you can also opt for a massage as it would offer a soothing feeling for your child, by easing the pain of the swollen gums.
For mothers, it is recommended not to put their baby in bed with a bottle of milk, as it results in tooth decay due to the small amount of natural sugar found in both milk and breast milk. The amount of sugar present in the milk might be in a little quantity, but it can also lead to a serious hazardous condition for your baby’s newly bloomed tooth. Even per the research, it is seen that 40% of children suffer from cavities, due to the excess consumption of sugars.
Hence it is recommended to wipe your baby’s teeth before putting them back to bed.
Once your baby starts to teeth it is recommended that your baby needs to visit a pediatric dentist by the tender age of one. Even though a one-year-old only has a couple of teeth, it is still important to establish a habit as it would be helpful for your baby to receive proper guidance regarding their diet, brushing habits, and fluoride intake which would ultimately help in giving them good oral hygiene.
Though baby teeth might not be a permanent set of teeth, many people try to avoid their child’s oral health at a tender age. This negligence can even lead to side effects as it can massively affect the development, alignment, and positioning of the permanent teeth. As a mother, you should try to check and maintain your child’s overall health and including oral health.
Your baby’s oral hygiene should begin way before their first milk tooth sprouts, and your baby’s oral health should be a priority even before their milk tooth blooms out. Hence it is recommended to maintain proper oral hygiene like washing the gums with a cleaned finger and a washcloth.