Wisdom teeth, the phrase come with the sensation of sharp ache and mind-numbing gum irritation. Wisdom teeth are the ones that you find at the very back side of your mouth. These teeth cause immense pain and irritation. Those who get wisdom teeth, usually visit doctors right away to find a proper pain removal solution. Most of the time, the only solution for wisdom teeth is – teeth removal. But do you have to remove wisdom teeth? Do you need to go for surgery if you have wisdom teeth? Let’s have a quick look.
Wisdom teeth might not need removal if, they are healthy. Also, you may not have to remove your wisdom teeth, if they are completely grown up. If your wisdom teeth are properly positioned, you will not need teeth removal. However, in most cases, wisdom teeth don’t come with so many beneficial aspects. Thus, it becomes important to remove wisdom teeth as soon as you can. The biggest challenge with wisdom teeth is – the difficulty in cleaning them. Because they are situated at the back of the mouth, it becomes a big challenge to reach them with a brush.
When To Remove Wisdom Teeth
In most cases, wisdom teeth don’t get the space to grow in the right proportion. Therefore, these teeth remain in the half-grown position in those cases. An ill-proportioned wisdom tooth can erupt in different areas and at uneven angles. Such a tooth can cause biting problems. Also, you may experience excruciating pain around your gum and dental area. Serious problems related to wisdom teeth are –
- Wisdom teeth sometimes remain hidden and don’t get the chance to come out properly. Such teeth cause mind-numbing pain. When left untreated, this type of tooth can lead to infection. In serious cases, cyst grows and damage other teeth and jaw area.
- In most common cases, wisdom teeth don’t come out fully. These half commenced teeth are dangerous for the mouth and gum as these become a portal for bacteria and dental viruses. The problem with wisdom teeth is, that people don’t get to see the teeth properly. If you cannot see the teeth, you will not be able to clean them. Failing to clean teeth properly, leads to a big problem. These teeth begin to attract harmful bacteria.
- Wisdom teeth often don’t get proper space to accommodate themselves. In these cases, wisdom teeth begin to create a problem for other teeth by crowding them.
Some dentists claim that it is better to take out wisdom teeth even before the gum and jawline are fully grown. When you go for surgery at a young age, you get to recover quickly. The healing process becomes important and for this reason, dentists suggest removing wisdom teeth at an early age.
If you are confused about the need to remove your wisdom teeth, you should look at the signs. Pain is usually the deciding factor here. If you are experiencing extreme pain which you cannot tolerate, you should remove your wisdom teeth without delay. The more you postpone the surgery, the worse things will get. Therefore, if you want quick relief from wisdom teeth, go for surgery by getting in touch with a reputed dentist.
Why Should You Remove Wisdom Teeth?
So, apart from pain, is there any other reason to remove wisdom teeth? If you are wondering about this, you are not alone. Here is a list of reasons to consider, if you have wisdom teeth.
Causing Damage to Other Teeth
When a wisdom tooth comes out, it looks for space to accommodate itself. Sometimes when it does not get proper space to pace itself, it begins to crowd other teeth. In the process of doing so, the wisdom tooth damages other teeth. The presence of the wisdom tooth forces the other teeth to change position. As a result, biting problems occur. Also, when left untreated such a wisdom tooth damages the entire gum area and other teeth. If you leave the wisdom tooth to grow without doing anything, you will eventually see that the other teeth are going through problems due to this tooth. You may have to go for a tooth correcting process if you leave it untreated for a long time.
Causing Damage to Jawline
Wisdom teeth come out from the jawline like any other tooth. However, when it comes to a wisdom tooth, it does not have a proper position to grow after coming out. For this reason, some wisdom teeth impact the teeth root and eventually the jawline itself. Sometimes cysts form due to wisdom teeth growth. If this is the case, you will have to get your wisdom teeth removed without delay. If you don’t do it, your jawline will be damaged along with your other teeth.
Sinus Issues
Wisdom teeth have never been connected to the sinus. It does not seem possible for these two to be connected. However, wisdom teeth growth sometimes causes extreme pressure around the forehead area. When this happens, you may suffer from sinus-related pain. Therefore, you should at once see a dentist and get your wisdom teeth removed. There is no other way.
Pain & Sensitivity
Remember that, wisdom teeth may not cause pain at the initial stage. There are wisdom teeth that don’t cause pain when they come out at the beginning. You may only feel a slight sensitivity around your teeth area. However, if you don’t take action when you feel the sensitivity, you may end up facing a bigger problem. Some may suffer from slight pain which may not seem like a big problem. However, with time the problem grows serious.
Wisdom teeth can be dangerous when left untreated. Because these teeth don’t find proper space to come out, they usually cause a problem in the jawline. As a result, your gum may swell. Therefore, you should not take your gum swelling lightly and see a dentist without fail if you experience something like this.
Lastly, find a reputed dentist to get your teeth checked. Only a reputed dentist will be able to treat your wisdom teeth and will tell you whether you need to remove them or not.